AMERICAN WOMAN – Kari Lake makes one heck of a presence in Bettendorf

  • 400 plus in attendance and an appropriate theme song
  • Washington Post reporter definitely chastened – QCT maybe takes the hint and gives a somewhat straight report. 
  • View Sarah Watson report,  the same reporter whose byline was attached to the atrocity we criticized in our earlier post: Kari Lake tells GOP in Bettendorf she’s ready to go ‘Iowa witch’ on the media
  • Kari Lake seems to pledge fealty to Trump, but we hope she is not confusing Trump with the last hope for America — articulate forthright conservatism is and the Republican bench is much stronger than one person.
  • The event featured a complimentary lunch as others sponsored by the group have been and are scheduled to be by the Scott County Republican (Evening) Women’s group. Our compliments to them.
  • Embedded is a YouTube video we posted there of the first 5 minutes of Lake’s presentation.  The entire speech was fairly brief and wholly dynamic. Thanks to LB for taking and providing us the video. 
  • A brief backgrounder follows the vid. If the video does not appear directly the link within is active.

Kari Lake visited her family and the community where she grew up and first worked in  broadcast journalism earlier this week. She took time to speak at a local Scott County Republican Women’s event. 

After an entrance to a clip of rousing music “American Woman” (Lenny Kravitz version) appropriate for this dynamo, Lake gave an equally rousing speech making clear she will not tolerate lying journalists (see our previous post). She even asked the crowd, which overwhelmed the building after enthusiastically waiting outside on a blustery day, whether she should bother to sit down for an interview with the Washington Post reporter in attendance. 

Lake made it clear she is intent on seeing through her Arizona gubernatorial campaign’s appeals to the court system regarding the integrity of the November vote. In that regard Lake raised the issue of the mass mailing of ballots and lack of chain of custody to the ballots.  There are other evidentiary issues in her legal case regarding the less than 1%  supposed loss. An early (predictable)  adverse opinion is undergoing appeal.

Of note, Kari Lake started as an intern at KWQC (TV) in Davenport. The station’s heritage includes radio station WOC (now separate) where Ronald Reagan got his start in broadcasting. Reagan was born and grew up about an hour away in Illinois. Lake was born across the river in Rock Island, Illinois but grew up in nearby Eldridge, Iowa where her dad was a high school coach and government teacher.  She is the youngest of 8 children.  Video provided to by Lorrie B.

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