Here are two pointed memes thanks to TN, a veteran retired from the military, a third from him to which we append commentary followed by a pic of the only Republican presidential nomination candidate to wear the uniform. We add still another one of a family member.
Our thanks to all veterans and a pledge in compliance with the themes embedded in the memes to continue our work to oppose those who would destroy our country with egregious policies.

First of all a President really does not have to check his watch, all time revolves around them, but when one does it a veterans memorial occasion at a solemn time, well that is atrocious.

Ron DeSantis was a Yale and then Harvard Law graduate who could have immediately benefited from a lucrative career. He joined the Navy using his acquired skills in service to the country. Our leading candidate after college was more interested in anything but.

My next oldest brother cutting the cake (oldest and youngest Marines present) appropriately at a tavern ceremony local to him, commemorating the birthday of the Marine Corps — Tun Tavern Philadelphia, Nov. 10, 1775