Category Archives: ECONOMIC POLICY

Includes unemployment figures, debt, deficits

The fruits of productivity increases are shared with workers . . .

Even when rank and file minimum wage labor is not remotely responsible  Capital investment (capitalism) benefits workers Employers recognize achievement by their workers and reward it, or they will fail as good workers migrate at first opportunity Our earlier article … Continue reading

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Derecho meets wind farms

So there we were driving back from Des Moines along I-80 on Sunday afternoon and did a casual survey of wind damage after the recent (August 10) dericho the area experienced.  Granted the most intense winds were somewhat north of … Continue reading

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Free-traders should be for Trump’s tariffs

Because it is necessary to get China to the table and on to a long-term agreement benefiting the world economy Trump and Americans for Limited Government make the points (bold emphasis ours) Love President Trump or hate him, everyone including … Continue reading

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How else do you deal with cheating and manipulative trading “partners”?

Verias PAC is free trade oriented but as to all the critics of Trump’s “protectionist” trade statements — what is the alternative? What about the value of strategic industrial capacity If other countries cheat on trade matters what is Trump … Continue reading

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Trump’s tariffs — protectionism or “fair trade” effort?

Bargains with other people’s money – the ultimate financiers of this deal Collection of differing articles / quotes If other countries are manipulating prices then what do those countries  expect? Consumers expect lowest prices 3 Reasons Why Trump’s Tariffs Would … Continue reading

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Amity Shlaes– growth produces more general prosperity than “equality”

Well that is how we summarize her essay which appeared today in Jewish World Review (written by her for City Journal). Growth Not Equality   Amity Shlaes is definitely one of the best economic researchers and writers. Her book  The Forgotten … Continue reading

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The AP, the left’s ubiquitous scribe, spins the tax bill

The Associated Press (AP) is  doing their damnedest to drive down approval numbers for the tax bill as they did with the Reagan Tax bill (which even had lower approval ratings)* We believe the actual experience of people with the … Continue reading


Two of the greatest frauds, current and longstanding

The promoters are some of the biggest frauds of history The lies, the subterfuge, the policies engendered Two articles, different in scope, but reflective of each other as regards manipulation of the masses,  scare tactics with the end goal of … Continue reading

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Preposterous pollyannaism or Obama Democrat boosterism

Wall Street Journal says : Robust Jobs Report Eases Worry Over U.S. Economy     Robust my ass Today’s Wall Street Journal as indicated by this screen grab of the top left side of the E-edition shows the prominent characterization … Continue reading

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Obamanomics at work – creating less employment, less work

But magicians at New York Times try to spin dismal May jobs report anyway Patriot Post — No Good Jobs in the May Jobs Report   The only jobs added to Barack Obama’s economy in May were the ones created by … Continue reading

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