Category Archives: VOTING INTEGRITY

Flummoxing the reporting on the vote recounts

Leave the misleading headlines and stories to the AP.  Leave the catchy clever headlines to us. Uh Oh: Half Of Detroit’s Ballots Might Be Disqualified Due To Errors The normally excellent folks at Townhall produced that little perversion.  It should … Continue reading

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Trump’s very plausible statement about illegal votes

Here is an article from The Daily Signal, a Heritage Foundation publication that lends credence to Trump’s response to Hillary Clinton and Green Party candidate Jill Stein and their pursuit of recounts of election results in three states.  The Clinton/Stein  … Continue reading

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Delicious mockery of Hollywood liberal political machine

Ridicule at its best . . .  (we think it transfers to early voting as well) The Washington Times reports (based on an article in The Hill) The pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC supported by Hollywood stars Joss Whedon, Scarlett Johansson … Continue reading

Posted in MEDIA BIAS, SCOTT COUNTY REPUBLICAN MATTERS, UNCATEGORIZED, VOTING INTEGRITY | Comments Off on Delicious mockery of Hollywood liberal political machine

Purge the rolls of dead people, REQUIRE voter ID

Chicago way moves West Partisan officials drag their feet on purging dead from rolls Provisional balloting answers “right to vote” Dead people voting only part of voter fraud – ineligible voting and surreptitious and substitute voting is easy Might as … Continue reading

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Voting the dead, the uninterested, the “tardy”

For the record, it is our belief that in order to prevent fraud by any individual malcontent or shaver of any political party or no political party, the single best way to reduce fraudulent voting activity is to require photo … Continue reading

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Mandatory Voting and Minimum Volition Registration

Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate a Republican wants online voter registration —  and initiated a project to try it out. In the meantime Iowa Senate Democrats passed a bill on straight party lines out of that chamber this week. … Continue reading


Joni Ernst Does Not Believe in GOP “Vote Early” Admonitions

From an AP analysis of the Iowa Ernst v Braley race yesterday, forwarded by Republicans continue their improved push in 2014, narrowing Democrats’ traditional advantage after watching Democrats use early voting to help President Barack Obama win the state … Continue reading

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The Vote Early Mania Turns From Hectoring to Intimidation

In Iowa and elsewhere — and by both parties The communications from Democrats to vote and vote early invoke more disquietude than mere “vote shaming”  as it has come to be called, but the Republicans’ version is creepy enough in … Continue reading

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Extensive Potential for Voter Fraud in Iowa & Illinois

Rock Island County – where collecting and recording is not tabulating Touch Screen errors in Rock Island (that means voting Republican) Voter Fraud  –  Iowa and Illinois vulnerable (along with most states) LaRaza making sure the word gets out Group … Continue reading


Insure voter integrity — or we might as well move to Caracas

. . . despite the false claims by the left, there is definitely massive voter fraud occurring in every federal election. — Patrick Frey editor of Patterico (not in his capacity as a Los Angeles County Deputy DA). Clarice Feldman … Continue reading

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