Monthly Archives: May 2012

Reeder’s Reefer Madness

In isolation, a small thing , admittedly, but it does provide an additional insight into the “objectivity” Scott Reeder of QC’s “newspaper of record”, the Moline Dispatch, brings to his coverage of politics and government. I think it reflects, as … Continue reading

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And Now . . . More Trenchant Observances By Our Resident Crank

News from the leaders of the let’s part-aee  Party  . . . This story matches up very well with the story of Michele jetting over to Atlantic City for a Beyonce concert (with the girls, of course), at taxpayers’ considerable … Continue reading

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Don’t Allow Most Voting Until You See the Whites of Their Eyes — and a Photo ID

(note this article is revised form the original post) Pushing Early Voting is Generally Bad but Vote By Mail the Worst The general promotion of early voting, particularly absentee vote by mail, has become a matter of course for Republican … Continue reading


Is the QC Times as Smart as a Fourth Grader?

We think so.  Consider the following: “If you don’t pass this one test, you will be repeating your current grade. When I first heard this, I was profoundly confused. Every student is a different type of learner. Some kids can … Continue reading

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QC Times Features Funky “Gay” Agenda PROMinently

Attention Bishop Amos: Did you really think giving ground  in one area puts an end to the drive to inculcate the full agenda?  You’ll want to be keeping up with the Funky  Winkerbean comic strip for a couple more weeks … Continue reading

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What Part of “Should Not Be Given Platforms” Do The Powers That Be Not Understand ?

Some additional thoughts regarding the controversy involving Clinton’s Prince of Peace Catholic High School and the Eychaner Foundation’s scholarship award to a gay senior at the school: Upon learning of the decision by the Diocese of Davenport to ban the … Continue reading

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Blog Site Right Up Our Occasionally Sardonic Alley

Adding   to our illustrious blog roll 00

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QCT Rolls Presses — Davenport Bishop Rolls Over

It is often instructive to watch some arbiters of community morals and behavior, such as the folks who comprise the Quad-City Times editorial board become entangled in their righteousness. It has played out this past week for all to see … Continue reading


QCT — All The News that Fits Its Agenda

In its Friday edition,  the Quad Cities “newspaper of record” was characteristically aggressive in informing its readers on THE story on everyone’s mind these days…Mitt Romney’s alleged bullying of gay high school classmates. With the nation’s attention riveted on this … Continue reading

Posted in MEDIA BIAS | 1 Comment

Scott County Republican Central Committee Should Facilitate Communication Among Members

A few weeks ago yours truly transmitted via e-mail to members of the Scott County Republican Central Committee (SCRCC), and only them, membership contact information for the very committee they serve on. It contained each member’s publicly filed contact and … Continue reading