If Not Malicious, Could There Be a Sillier or Less News Worthy Poll?

Yesterday The Politico enlightened readers with this jaw dropping revelation . . .  “While 75 percent of voters said Romney’s riches made no difference in their voting preferences, 20 percent said it made them less likely to vote for him, reports Gallup.” 

Is it just me or is this one of, if not the, silliest, most outrageous, and in a way malicious, surveys and stories we’ve seen…this year? maybe this week? well, OK, maybe today? the last hour? OK, OK, so there’s so many and it seems each one goes further than the last . . .

The ends to which a polling outfit like Gallup, and the laughably biased media will go to try to help BO and to destroy his opponents is amazing to watch. First, my reaction was…”only 20%? with 75% saying, ‘no, doesn’t bother me.'”  It must have been disappointing to both the Gallup folks as well as the “journalists” at Politico, who, I’m just guessing, were hoping that the overwhelming majority of voters would be enraged at someone so wealthy and thus, out of touch.

It seems the only purpose of the survey is to try to create another “news” story to fix in peoples’ minds that Mitt Romney is rich and therefore must be “out of touch” with “all us reglar folks”.

Then, I noted that 37% of registered Democrats said all that wealth would make them less likely to vote for Romney. Oh really! These folks would have voted for Romney if only his wealth were about the same as Obama’s? Sure. And the other 63% registered Democrats in the poll? Makes no difference to them…wouldn’t support Romney if he was the only candidate in the race?

And, how about that question?  “… As you know Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has a net worth of over $200 million. Does the fact that he is this rich make you more likely or less likely to vote for him, or does it make no difference.?”

That prompts me to suggest to the Gallup folks a question for their next survey.  It would be a poll that is as they say, “inspired by real events.”

Future Gallop Survey Question as suggested by veritaspac.com:

“As you know, President Obama lies about almost everything for political advantage (“if you like your insurance plan, you can keep it”, “no taxpayer money will fund abortions”, “mine will be the most transparent administration in history”etc, etc). Does the fact that he is so dishonest make you more likely or less likely to vote for him, or does it make no difference”.

Let’s see if we can guess how the results will come in and how the story will be reported by the MSM:

“Poll:  Only 20% troubled by Obama’s dishonesty”

Just one in five registered voters, mostly Republicans, say that the president’s practice of lying to the American people on any major issue for political advantage, makes it less likely they will support him for reelection, according to a poll out today. Most experts suggest that this finding may be a bit misleading since those Republicans probably wouldn’t vote for Obama even if he were honest.
A huge majority, seventy five percent of voters, said that Obama’s well known dishonesty makes no difference in their voting preference, and may be, in part a basis for the president’s widely acknowledged boyish charm and likeability.
The poll found that 100% of Republicans and 80% of “independents” say they do not want a president who is as dishonest as Mr. Obama. Democrats, however, were “twice as unanimous”, 200%, in saying that it is important that the nation’s first president best known for his dishonesty be reelected.
“It sends a message that issues like social justice, gay marriage, free abortion on demand are much more important than the truth, honesty, and integrity values of evangelical , far right tea baggers who want to bring back the failed policies of the so called “founding fathers”, said one survey respondent.
The 200%  response by Democrats in the survey recognizes that many of them planning to vote will not be required to show photo ID and therefore expect to cast ballots several times.     DLH

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