Fire Justice Wiggins — Bus Tour Here Tuesday 9:30AM


In 2010 Iowans turned over their ballots and voted to fire three Iowa Supreme Court Justices who were up for retention.  As their terms are staggered they were the only justices up at that time. Retention votes are “normally” slam dunks for these characters as people are predisposed, if they bother to vote the race, to keep them not knowing any better.  It always seems like the “nice” thing to do.

But the vote in November 2010 took place on the heals of that same cast of character’s atrocious decision legalizing gay marriage in Iowa, forcing their will on the people of Iowa and bypassing the legislative process.  Well one more of that  faithless  to the people of Iowa cabal is up for retention in this general election.

A bus tour sponsored by Iowa Family Policy (Family Leader), The National Organization for Marriage, Catholic and other organizations is touring the state with speakers and information in order to rally people to vote against retention of Justice Wiggins.

Learn more, show your support for the Constitution of Iowa and the people of this state’s  prerogatives.

NO Wiggins Bus Tour
Living Water Family Church, 4706 NW Blvd.  9:30 AM
Tuesday, September 25

Visit the No Wiggins Web site to learn more about the guile and hubris of this justice.

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