Monthly Archives: September 2012

Learning, The #3 Priority in Chicago?

So…the Chicago teachers have gone back to work. Not sure if that’s good or bad for their students. The record indicates they haven’t exactly done a bang up job. In addition, as Scott Reader in the Argus-Dispatch noted, Chicago’s teachers, … Continue reading

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Beltway Republicans Are Terrible, But People Listen to Them

I’m sure most of you are all caught up to speed by now about the recent Romney video that was obtained by the help of Jimmy Carter’s grandson and has been released by the hard hitting Progressive blog “Mother Jones.” … Continue reading

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A Must View Video — Words Matter —

Thanks to Don, our Resident Crank, for breaking my arm to post this now, today, “ASAP.”   We have not seen a more compelling short election video.  You may well agree  when you view it.  Please send it (ideally via our … Continue reading

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Still Hovering Over The Keyboard

Protect the Vote!   Arguments for Voter ID and against “vote early” and absentee voting emphasis of the apparatchiks. The Scott County Supervisor Race Energy — Oil — Ethanol — Wind  series Regarding elements of  “The Church” in the tank for … Continue reading

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“We Gave Him Everything”

“We gave him (Obama) everything . . .”  Pastor James David Manning lets loose here. We follow up: Indeed Pastor Manning! . . . . . . we gave Obama the Presidency without him ever having to achieve any serious … Continue reading

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“No Difference Between Romney and Obama” – How Obtuse Can You Be?

“No difference between the candidates” is an incredible  statement we continue to see and hear from people, mostly from the politically lazy and ignorant “no party” or “independents.”   We also see it on blog sites usually “argued” in the … Continue reading

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Post Convention Clint Was Superb

We had our reservations about what Clint Eastwood might say at the Republican National Convention.  While we very pleased that his one man skit was pointed,  and it was humorous, we thought it could have been a little shorter or … Continue reading

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All You Need To Know About the Democrat Convention

Writers at The American Thinker produce many of our favorite political and cultural analysis. Contributors there have not let us down in their trenchant descriptions of the Democratic National Convention just concluded. Michelle Obama Pants On Fire by Karin McQuillan … Continue reading

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More On Uses and Abuses of Local Media

We have previously linked articles exposing the programmed nature of the Obama reelection machine’s  use of local media in general and critiqued a local example of  puppy dog subservience. But self abuse might be the description of the radio jerks … Continue reading

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Democrats On The Defensive

The DNC Convention shows how the Democrats are on the defensive. Like past conventions, this one has been steeped in “progressive” rhetoric intended to justify bigger government, and higher taxes.  The difference, this year, is how they deal with Obama’s … Continue reading

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