Should We Keep The Lantern Lit For Some Honesty From Reporters?

Finally…this is the first writer I’ve read who has described so accurately both the mendacity of every elected and would be elected Democrat in the nation
and the ignorance, if one seeks to be charitable…or the dishonesty and corruption, if one wants instead to be accurate, of the American media.

William McGurn writing in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal (available to subscribers here):

In any honest universe, this would be news. President Obama says the middle class benefits mightily from the Bush tax cuts and cannot afford to see them expire. Which provokes a question: Where has our press corps been these past 10 years?

I defy anyone to suggest that the Democrats, abetted by the “news” media, have
not relentlessly and loudly condemned the “Bush tax cuts” as nothing more than
“tax cuts for the rich on the backs of the middle class.”  And, has any Democrat
in the past 8 years run for office without blaming a large part of the current
spending and debt crisis on Bush’s tax cuts which “were not paid for”?

How on earth can any so-called “journalist” not demand that the record be
corrected, to reflect that, as Obama now lectures the American people, the Bush
tax cuts were of enormous benefit to the middle class?

How indeed…why don’t Quad Citians ask the QC Times ed board to get the ball
rolling on this narrative?     DLH

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