There I was cruis’n the Net and danged if I did not come across a story about Noam Chomsky. Something about Obama being a disappointment, not liberal enough, something like that. And then I saw a recent picture of good ol’ Noam. I did a double take. I thought this story must be mixed up with good ol’ Tom Harkin’s announcement that he is retiring at the completion of his Senate term two years from now.
Now the two are pretty much sympatico. Noam, a certified intellectual lion of the left identifies with anarcho-syndicalists and the Industrial Workers of the World. , Tommie the Commie, well not so much the intellectual, but every bit the champion of communist thugs worldwide ( excuse me, I meant “progressive causes” ).
So it is enough that the two are politically pretty much birds of a feather, did they have to be so much well, birds of a feather . . . what do you think . . . R Mall

Noam “The Commie Symp” Chomsky
More or less at the height of the Tea Party activity, I attended a Tom Harkin town hall meeting. In that appearance and on subsequent occasions when I’ve seen Senator Harkin on television making one of his far left pronouncements, I’ve felt that this is a guy whose sell-by date had long passed. At times, he is incoherent; at others, he seems to be on auto pilot, simply repeating stock populist phrases he’s used for years. I’ve wondered lately if in his public appearances if he wasn’t doing a Beyonce…lip syncing recorded comments from his past glories.
With the recent announcement of his retirement, I wondered if anyone had told Mr. Harkin that he wasn’t running again. He seems just as bewildered as ever. Adios, Tom and, Happy Trails!
Noam Chomsky is certifiable. That is a certainty. And unfortunately he is considered to be an intellectual because he has academic letters behind his name deeming him to be a linguist. A linguist is an uncommon area for such a so-called political critic-philosophy to spring forth. This makes him about as relevant as the many other pseudo-intellectual academics who spout their strangely reasoned theories from the safety of academia. Naturally, he has received accolades of genius and intellectualism from his fellow loons in academia, which give his narcissistic self much pride and a self-righteous demeanor not logically deserved or respected.
Tom Harkin is only a pretender. He’s merely parroted the ideas of the likes of Chomsky and other such frauds. He’s not gotten anything right in his entire Senate tenure, except for his one remark made years ago, that Jews indimidate a lot of people for the sake of Israel. But then, typically, he backs off that statement under the grilling of the dunce of the GOP, Lindsey Graham, who doesn’t believe his own words, but says them anyway to make himself look good to the Jewish lobby in the US, of which he is obviously very intimidated.
Ain’t the game of politicians and intellectuals a grand thing to behold as they slowly destroy our form of government simply because they really are not too smart, but are infinitely corrupted by their own narcissistic self-image of greatness.
I was just having a conversation with somebody the other day about the Hagel hearing and how Graham and McCain were all over him for not “supporting Israel.” 75% of the Jews in the US voted for Obama and support the Democrat agenda. I wish Graham and McCain would give it a rest already this has become beyond tiresome.
Term limits please. The framers got it wrong making the Senate term 6 years. It shoudl be 4, at best. This guy has literally been in the Senate my entire life! Don’t mean to make you old people feel old. What am I talking about I feel old. Either way that is how long this guy has been hanging around.