Crank’s First Thoughts – Repub Growth & Opportunity Project

It is only now that I realize that Reince Priebus is an idiot. Did he and his “blue ribbon” team really interview 50,000 voters to find out what killed (that is why “autopsies” are performed, isn’t it) the GOP or did they just commission the Democratic National committee to provide recommendations on how they can assure that the Party is an
ineffective entity forever?

I wonder if they interviewed the person who “called” Harry Reid during the campaign to inform him that Romney had not paid any taxes for ten years . . . a falsity but nevertheless a disclosure Harry obviously believed needed to be brought to the attention of the  American people by reporting it from the floor of the Senate?

Another Item:

let-them-eat-cake-michelle-obama-spain-vacation-political-poster-1281406202 Last night a local Tampa TV station on the 11 o’clock news reported on a story of vital and current interest. They breathlessly revealed that, during these difficult economic times and the disastrous sequester, taxpayers are paying for coffee and lattes provided for members of Congress. Now get this low/no info voters: the report, in its entirety, disclosed that Speaker of the House, John Boehner, had consumed $2200 worth of coffee, espressos, lattes, and God knows what else, IN ONE MONTH, paid for by the taxpayers!

Yes. That was it! That was their “investigative report.”  No mention,
incidentally, of BO’s $1 million golf outing with Tiger Woods,
Michele’s separate vacations, the $7 million Obama Hawaiian
vacation, etc ,etc.       Damned right I am The Crank.

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One Response to Crank’s First Thoughts – Repub Growth & Opportunity Project

  1. Roy Munson says:

    Harry Reid is the biggest garbage pale on the planet. That was one of the biggest lies of the campaign and he just kept coming with them. The media would report them reluctantly as a lie, and a few days later Harry would have another charge (Cayman Islands etc.) that he just kept piling on. I was kinda happy that Harry won in 2010 so we could kick him around again, but he was clearly an asset for Obummer in 2012 in his smear campaign.

    I know Romney has given very few interviews since he lost but I don’t think he has been asked about Harry. I would love to ask him this question: how big of an asshole do you think Harry Reid is exactly?

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