It’s Always The Minority, Including In 1776 America

toto-have-feeling-battaile-politics-1358212433This from Conservative News Service via Drudge:

A survey conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University, revealed that 29% of those polled believe America will have to forcibly take back our civil liberties.  The poll was of 863 registered voters, and was conducted April 22-28.  Only 47% said that a revolution would not occur, and the remainder were uncertain.

“Results of the poll show that those who believe a revolution might be necessary differ greatly along party lines:
•    18 percent of Democrats
•    27 percent of Independents
•    44 percent of Republicans

One part of the survey indicates that a large group of Americans believes that facts about the Sandy Hook shooting are being suppressed. Some analysts of the poll results are characterizing that group as believing that the massacre was a government hoax.  From our reading of how the questions were reported, more likely the results mean no more than what the question asks (imagine that) . . . that there is a belief that information is being suppressed.  That is a far cry from interpreting the responses as belief the massacre was a hoax.  R Mall

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2 Responses to It’s Always The Minority, Including In 1776 America

  1. Roy Munson says:

    Meh I think I read the same poll in 2006 when Bush was President. Except the number of Democrats saying we need a revolution and that Bush was going to cancel further elections ect. was much higher. There was some super scary paranoia from Democrats in the Bush days.

    The Sandy Hook aspect in this is interesting. There are some pretty creepy things on YouTube that I have seen. The video of the parent laughing and telling jokes and when the camera suddenly comes on he starts crying is pretty bizarre. The only picture released of the shooter looking like a 60 pound ghost is pretty weird. Do I think there is something super sinister going on here? No. Do I probably fall into the camp where I feel there is a ton of info yet to come out or purposely being covered up? Yes.

    On a side note there is a story on Drudge about a teachers meeting in Oregon (kids were not there) where cops rushed in dressed in street clothes and started shooting blanks as part of a drill! Obviously this freaked the hell out of everybody and is a huge national story now. Like most people are wondering, what if one of these teachers had a gun and used it? This will be a fun story to watch and see how many people will get fired.

    • Designated2 says:

      I suspect it a reasonable hypothesis that Party breakdown of responses to the same question back then would lean toward those out of power thinking that way. Dems were out of power (perception wise anyway even though they took the House in 2006) and so they were more dissatisfied especially as a result of constant full frontal media scorn and soft scorn of Bush policies and of course the leftist cants “Bush Lied” and “Bush stole the (2000) election.” What is interesting is that reading some histories of real Revolutionary times circa 1776, the ratio of those favoring revolt was similar. Granted,believing something theoretical about revolution and actually revolting is a huge stretch. It only party explains the psychology behind the huge increase in gun sales.But we are seeing more articles like this:

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