WWTHS (What Would Tom Hanks Say)?

Who’s  gonna believe this Benghazi tale that Republicans and FoxNews are trying to spin until Tom Hanks, Readers’ Digest “most trusted person in America“, weighs in? And what does Jason Collins think about all this?

These are the key issues involved here…aren’t they?

You gotta feel for the three “whistleblowers”. They are probably the most naive people around, except maybe for Marco Rubio. These are courageous, honorable men who would be praised and universally admired in another era of America’s history. But this is now and this current president and his would-be successor are far more important than truth to the so-called “mainstream media”.

Sadly, these men believed that our nation is in grave danger and that the American people need to know what is really happening. They believe that the media has been misled about the threats America faces and that if they’re made aware of the incompetence and dishonesty on the part of our leaders, they will demand accountability and change.

If one watched the congressional hearing, which just one network chose to air in any you-remember-when-obama-said-this-benghazi-victims-trust-gov-politics-1351548105depth, one would see just how misplaced their confidence in justice and the media, and even a large part of the American electorate, is.

Ranking Democrat Congressman Elijah Cummings set the tone and signaled the strategy his party would follow in this forum. The Democrats on the committee were not there to “investigate” or to do any “fact finding” or to get to “the bottom” of events and actions surrounding the Benghazi massacre. The Democrats were there to protect Obama and Hillary Clinton from any responsibility or accountability, to portray Republicans as partisan hacks, and to discredit these three brave witnesses who risked everything to come forward with the truth, confident that most of the media would help them do it.

Congressman Cummings is as much of a caricature of what a statesman should be as Joe Biden is. His voters should be embarrassed to claim him as their representative.

As Congressman Cummings was in the process of revealing the intent of his committee caucus to discredit and diminish them, these three men had to feel betrayed by the current political system in this nation. And the aftermath of their testimony is likely to only deepen their sense of betrayal.         DLH

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One Response to WWTHS (What Would Tom Hanks Say)?

  1. Roy Munson says:

    Oops I thought this was really about Tom Hanks and posted my latest thoughts in Wednesday’s Benghazi post! Well played title sir, well played (and shame on me for just reading the title).

    Anyway it appears that despite these useless Democrats in Congress deflecting, this story has made it into the Lib media. And a few of the heroes on the left such as Glenn Greenwald are turning on the regime when it comes to Benghazi. Hot Air had a nice write up tonight complete with video of MSNBC talking heads begining to worry about the future of Hillary. I’m on the iPad at the moment or would post links.

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