Open Message to Mark Ridolfi, QC Times Editorial Page Editor

Have you heard about the Benghazi thing?  The essense of the story could not be better or more powerfully said than in this Mark Steyn commentary.

So where’s the righteous QCT ed board on this? They were so passionate in reviling Bush, Rove, et al over the Valerie Plame fiasco.

The accusation back then, propagated by the QC Times, was that Bush’s henchmen outed a CIA agent for political purposes to get at her husband who was a  cause celeb reporter embarrassing to the Bush Administration.  The dark implication of the breathless reporting and commentary in the QCTImes was that Plame’s life was put at risk.  Of course it has been established that Plame was not clandestine and in any event she outed herself (or her husband did) and that her husbands reporting was incredibly biased.  Nevertheless hearings and trials ensued and were further breathlessly reported on.

So . . . would somebody please clue the QCT that Benghazi involved actual deaths of foreign service and CIA personnel that could have been prevented but for dereliction of duty, and mitigated and avenged, but for the grossest political cowardliness throughout the Obama administration.

We suspect the QC Times likely is waiting for Jason Collins to weigh in on this. After all, who would have more credibility with them?      DLH

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3 Responses to Open Message to Mark Ridolfi, QC Times Editorial Page Editor

  1. Leone says:

    Unless you have a bird or a puppy, why buy the QC Times?

  2. Roy Munson says:

    The Benghazi heat is getting hot enough that these goobers will put something out, I think. The Plame scandal vs Benghazi is like comparing watermelons to grapes. It is almost incomprehensible how how much bigger Benghazi is compared to the Plame noting burger.

    I wonder how much the QC Times will cover the next big story of the regime sending out the IRS to harass Tea Party and Conservative groups? The next question is why is this story suddenly now coming to light? Is the regime wagging the dog on Benghazi?

  3. Gus says:

    I think we all have to step back and understand all the problems besetting our Dear Leader. “Underlings” all over the government, in all those “independent” departments are letting the poor guy down. You can bet that as soon as he gets to the bottom of the IRS story, if he finds out those underlings “acted stupidly”, they’ll be held accountable.

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