Are Republicans Providing the Rope To Hang Themselves?

Republicans in La La Land --  'Now throw it over the tree Skippy'

Republicans in La La Land — “Now throw one end over the tree Skippy!”

As reported in Breitbart:

In President Barack Obama’s weekly address, he makes a hard sell for the Senate to pass the immigration reform bill currently under consideration. While describing a path to citizenship, the President takes an uncharacteristically harsh stance:

“This bill would provide a pathway to earned citizenship for the 11 million individuals who are already in this country illegally–a pathway that includes passing a background check, learning English, paying taxes and a penalty, and then going to the back of the line behind everyone who’s playing by the rules and trying to come here legally.”

The above quote from Obama echoes almost verbatim the script of the radio ads being run incessantly by the so-called Americans for a Conservative Direction (ACD) (See their Board of Directors below).

It is all mostly a lie. This Breitbart article by Matthew Boyle exposes much if the phoniness especially as regards the supposed requirement to learn English and pay “back taxes.”  But there are more if what has been revealed about the “Gang’s” bill is accurate.

The claim in the ad is that those illegal immigrants are going to be subject to such “extremely tough measures” as “no federal benefits, pay fines, pay taxes, go to the back of the line to gain citizenship” is baloney.

One must wonder exactly what is going on. The ACD must be spending an incredible amount of money to promote this thing. Ads are running on a number of talk radio shows as much as 3, 4, 5 times an hour. Such an aggressive, all out, money is no obstacle, truth is not a concern, effort by Republicans (see their Board of Directors below) for a piece of legislation so onerous to the nation and to the party’s interests is unprecedented.

Few, however, have noted that the bulk of the so-called 11 million illegals, now residing in “the Shadows” are low paid workers, the feature that has such great appeal to business supporters of the bill.  They are most likely to join the 45% or so who currently do not pay any federal taxes. That they will be deprived of “federal benefits” is absurd, even if the Democrats had not rejected an amendment which would have made it so.

The ad calls our current immigration law “a joke.”  It doesn’t correctly note the reason, however; that being, the federal government does not enforce it. It, in fact, promotes its violation. It stops states from attempting to enforce the law and encourages such things as “Sanctuary Cities” to violate the law. And, unconstitutional Executive Orders like the “Dreamer” order further ensure the law is a “joke”.

What do you think the current wildly corrupt Obama administration will do regarding any parts of the new law it doesn’t like?

And, here are the “good conservatives” who think this bill is a really good idea:

Americans for a Conservative Direction Board:

Haley Barbour — Former Governor Haley Barbour served as the 62nd governor of Mississippi from 2004 to 2012 and served as Chairman of the Republican National Committee in the mid ’90s.

Sally Bradshaw — Sally Bradshaw worked as former Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s Chief of Staff from 1999-2001, and served as a Co-Chair of the Republican National Committee’s Growth and Opportunity Project.

Joel Kaplan — currently Vice President of US Public Policy at Facebook.  Joel also served as Deputy Chief of Staff to former President George W. Bush.

Dan Senor —  former chief advisor to Representative Paul Ryan on the Romney-Ryan 2012 campaign

Rob Jesmer — worked as the former Executive Director at the National Republican Senatorial Committee from 2008 – 2012


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4 Responses to Are Republicans Providing the Rope To Hang Themselves?

  1. Roy Munson says:

    I stand with Bill Kristol who told Rubio to just “walk away” from this thing last week. Who cares what Haley Barbour or any of these loser Republicans think. These are also the same loser Republicans who will side with Obummer’s out of control IRS, DOJ and NSA. I about jumped out of my skin today when Peter King (R-NY) was on Fox stroking Obummer and defending all this new enhanced surveillance.

    • Designated2 says:

      Telephony and internet rules need to mandate default privacy standards built in to thwart abuses. The first “google” that offers paid subscription without the metatracking and pop-ups etc will be the next well, “google”

  2. Gus says:

    re: Peter King,
    Once a conservative “hero’ of mine, something has happened with ol’ Peter.Seems that in recent months he has taken some odd positions (“odd” in that he seems to be siding with the liberal/leftist East coast community.) Among those positions was his blasting of conservative Republicans in trying to keep the “Sandy” aid to just aid to “Sandy” victims and not the $60 billion slush fund to finance earmarks and Democratic interests far removed from the devastated area of the east coast.
    Has there been some redistricting that has Peter doing a “Christie”?

    • Roy Munson says:

      You guys remember in Ghostbusters when Ray said not to cross the streams? Well the streams have been crossed! The Peter Kings of the world are siding with Obummer and the the far left Democrats in Congress like Sanders and Merkley are against him.

      Michael Moore and Glenn Beck holding hands? Cats living with dogs?! These are strange times indeed. All I know is that I will be on the side of anybody opposing this surveillance/police state. And thank god Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are on our side leading the way.

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