Great Plains Dipatches – 2

Liberals+-+BrainlessObama – no rhythm or soul, but has Rubio for the “Immigration Conga”

Item  – no rhythm:  Obama at the G8 summit –London,  Agence France-Presse reports:  US President Barack Obama repeatedly called British finance minister George Osborne “Jeffrey” at the G8 summit.

The chancellor, 42, bears little resemblance to Jeffrey Osborne, a 65-year-old African-American (rythm and blues)  singer-songwriter known for his 1982 classic “On the Wings of Love”.

The Sun quoted an onlooker at the session as saying: “Osborne looked really put out” by what was a “visually crushing blow”.

“The first time Obama did it was bad enough, but then he kept on repeating the error throughout the presentation. It got really cringe-worthy by the end.”  

How would the press here have treated George Bush had he made such a faux pas about the Finance Minister of a member nation at a economic summit?  What if Bush Had Said It (WIBHSI)?

Item – no soul:  On the same trip in front of an audience of about 1800 young people in Ireland, including many Catholics, Obama made the following statement  “If towns remain divided—if Catholics have their schools and buildings and Protestants have theirs, if we can’t see ourselves in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to harden—that too encourages division and discourages cooperation,”

Can you imagine him making a statement such as that in Israel equivocating between  Hebrew schools and Muslim Madrasas?  Anyone else see an anti-Christian religious bent?

Many Catholic observers characterized it as an accusation that Catholic education divides people and blocks peace. (Scottish Catholic Observer).  labeled Obama’s remarks as a “gaffe” based on the “fact that Obama did not consider the sensitivities of his audience — or that he inadvertently revealed his own anti-religious prejudice and accused the media of ignoring the gaffe.

One wonders — Any comment from the good nuns of the Davenport Diocese and the heroic Pacem in Terris crowd in response to Obama’s  brilliant analysis of the problems of “division” and lack of cooperation?

Again, What if Bush Had Said It (WIBHSI?)

Item – Rubio helping form a conga line into the country: Each time of late that I see a Rubio interview (latest was Wednesday night on Hannity), it becomes more obvious that he’s little more than a slick snake oil salesman and we’ve already got one of those “leading from his behind”.

Read  Jeff Lukens’ comments over at American Spectator including this conclusion:  It appears that Mr. Rubio has been hoodwinked by cynical Washington insiders, and has now become their puppet. If he were smart, he would quit the Gang of Eight and openly oppose the very legislation he has been sponsoring.    DLH

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One Response to Great Plains Dipatches – 2

  1. SmkJmpr says:

    Love the graphic!

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