Notes from Our Own Southern Command And That E.I.B. Guy


From our Southern Command Correspondent – Doug Kelly:

In order to save Obamacare from itself, we see in Obama’s approach to Republicans one of the oldest legislative tricks used by monarchs, conquerors, dictators and corrupt third-world governments. This pathetic attempt by Obama to play on the obstructionism that he himself causes is really not even good Chicago politics. It’s outright amateur charlatanism, and we see our would-be-emperor, the man who would be king, for what he is. It would embarrass most third-world dictators. And I suppose that is the reason they all seem to disregard him — and America by association. His words fall on deaf ears.

And as regards the press’s duplicity in how they treat Obama compared to his political opponents  . . . we have no watchdog press as the Constitution intends. We have only Obama sycophants who buy their ink by the barrel and issue their purposely unreasoned opinions.

And from the Excellence in Broadcasting Network regarding the push for the Senate’s Gang of Eight immigration bill, this message from what’s-his-name:

Why are we doing anything?  And we hear, “Well, the immigration system is broken, Rush.”  Really?  What’s broken about it?  Do we not have enough law already on the books to deal with whatever problems we have with immigration that we’re just not enforcing?  What’s broken about it?  Really.  What’s broken about immigration?  What’s broken is we’re not enforcing the law we already have.

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