A Path To Repeal Of Obamacare

Needed — Republican resolve.johnny_automatic_path_to_star

The government takeover of healthcare has more negative implications for our continued existence as a free people than any other public policy matter. Immigration is a huge aggravation of those implications but is secondary in spite of its scope.

In this article available at National Review Online, Michael F. Cannon explains that Obama’s announcement that his administration will not enforce provisions of Obamacare passed by Congress, will have the effect of increasing outlays from the treasury and requiring further increases in the debt ceiling both because a huge opening for fraud has been created due to his suspension of aspects of the law related to individual mandates and also provisions affecting business mandates.

Ironically, President Obama has given Republicans the strongest hand they have ever had for a debt-ceiling or Obamacare-repeal fight, and he continues to strengthen it every day. The public, including independents, is on the Republicans’ side against Obamacare. Every new glitch and piece of bad news about the law’s implementation would strengthen the GOP’s hand further.

Of course it is also our view that Obama’s flagrant rejection of his duty to faithfully enforce the laws of the land constitutes grounds for impeachment. In that regard his Obamacare and Immigration Constitutional malfeasance are explained in this article by Clarice Feldman.  She focuses on Eric Holder but we believe Obama himself is entirely culpable.  R Mall with DLH

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One Response to A Path To Repeal Of Obamacare

  1. Gus says:

    “If you like your country, you can keep it.” No, our “Black Caucasion”, or is it our “White African-American” (whichever description the NY Times prefers to invent like it did George Zimmerman’s identity) president, did not make this promise as he falsely did with Obamacare regarding citizens’ health care plans.
    Naively, Americans simply assumed that a democratically elected president would naturally adhere to and defend the Constitution, which has always guaranteed that right.
    But, alas, the American people failed to read the fine print accompanying Mr. Obama’s pledge to “fundamentally transform” their country. Neverthless, even had he given such assurance, Barack Obama would have had no more intention of living up to it than he did regarding his health care promise.

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