Articles And Views We Salute Today

Stickyman_military_salutePresident Obama’s New American Vocabulary — Victor David Hanson  provides a  “newspeak”  dictionary necessary to understanding what is going on in the country today. After his introduction we set forth a selection to wet your appetite for the entirely pithy collection available at PJMedia.

Of all the many changes that the Obama administration has enacted over the last five years, the least remarked upon are the strange changes in our vocabulary. To fathom the shifting meaning of words, here is a guide to the new Obama lexicon.

Affordable Care Act: Mostly unaffordable, uncaring, and inactive.
Assault Weapon: Paint your .22 black and add a plastic handle.
Baby: Punishment for a mistake.
Cashing in: A practice finally ended when Hillary Clinton and Lisa Jackson left office.
Courts: Revolutionary tribunals.
Drones: Sophisticated, humane military tools in the hands of the right commander in chief.
Enemies: Ours are to be punished at home, while courted abroad.
Fifty-seven states: A trick question on Harvard Law School exams.
Food Stamps: Never stamps and not always for food.
Fracking: Produces way too much unnecessary energy and money.
IRS: Investigation of right-wing suspects.
Law: Can occasionally be enforced against the right people.
Lobbyists: Disappeared from government in 2009.
Lying: Speaking untruth except when doing so before the Congress and under oath.
Media: The Ministry of Truth.
One-percenter: Obama fundraisers.
Renditions: Valuable anti-terrorism protocols once George Bush left office.
Reset: Turning neutrals into enemies.
Spying: OK on friends, suspicious when on others.
Terrorism: Endemic among returning Iraqi veterans and Christian fundamentalists.
Transparent: Say it enough and it happens.
Typical White Person: Jorge Meza Zimmerman.
White Hispanic: Not to be confused with white African-American.
Wind and Solar: Like farm subsidies without the farm.

His readership gets into the act as well.  We selected this one from VonMisesJrRule.

Rule of Law: The only Rule is that there are no Laws, only ex post facto punishments.

Obama salutes us. (picture not caption from the article)

Obama salutes us. (picture, not caption, from the article)

And we salute this insightful article from Jeannie DeAngelis writing at American Thinker

The Obama Doctrine of Control Through Dissension.  Excerpt:

Proficient community organizer that he is, Obama inflames old hurts with veiled suggestions that incite hostility among factions, and then uses silence to offer tacit approval of the hate speech spouted by his allies. Those tried-and-true Alinsky polarizing tactics alienate those who disagree with Obama’s agenda by portraying whole swathes of Americans as menaces to a national unity he purports to desire, but continues to undermine.

Yet even while employing doublespeak, blithe disregard for the facts, subterfuge, and occasional impulsivity, the president has been able to project the image to some of unifier as he carefully manipulates the tools of divisiveness to the benefit of his long-term agenda.

Obama darkly suggests that the Catholic Church is the arch enemy of women; Americans who just want immigration laws to be enforced and the border secured are dream-destroying xenophobes; excluding Democrat donors, rich people are portrayed as selfish parasites; pro-traditional marriage  advocates are homophobes; gun owners are a threat to the safety of every American child, and the antagonistic beat goes  on . . .

Gary Bauer writing at Campaign For Working Families had the following to say (in part) regarding the Zimmerman verdict:

I can’t help but wonder what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would think of America if he were alive today. Today he would see black men sitting in the Oval Office, on the Supreme Court and in the United States Senate. Today he could not find a single water fountain or restroom labeled “Whites Only.” Housing and employment discrimination are illegal.

But I think King would be crushed to see what cultural relativism has done to minority Americans: fatherless homes, a “gangster” culture and rampant drug and alcohol abuse.

Here’s what is truly sickening about this Martin/Zimmerman circus: Since Trayvon Martin died that February night in 2012, hundreds of young black men have been gunned down. Not one of those shootings was committed by a volunteer neighborhood watchman. The news of the carnage causes no marches or visits by Jackson and Sharpton. President Obama seldom mentions the victims.

Overwhelmingly, young black men are killed by young black men. Black women are raped by other black men. When people start filling the streets to protest those things, we will know that we are on the road to recovery.

DLH w/ R Mall

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