- Throughout this sorry saga, media types and legal “experts” have continually referred to Zimmerman as a “wannabe policeman” . . . I think the real tragedy in this case is the unfortunate outcome when an allegedly “wannabe cop” meets with a proven “wannabe ‘gangsta’ ” delinquent. For Martin’s family, only sympathy is appropriate but, sadly, it was Trayvon who is the more likely one to have caused his own demise.
- My guess, made in all humility, of course, is that the White House is preparing to implement Plan B. I would suggest that the plans for Eric Holder to file civil charges for denying young Trayvon his rights were laid early on and will likely be announced before I finish this opinion piece. Further, I suggest that Obama’s secretive meeting last week with prominent members of the “liberal” media (is that adjective necessary?) was to lay the groundwork for the support our president will expect in order to advance that ploy.
- In the event that Obama issues a public statement calling for respect for the jury’s decision and for calm and restraint, what are the odds that a different message is going out through the administration’s covert political channels?
- The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has called on the Obama administration to pursue civil rights charges against George Zimmerman. but, of course, Eric Holder will counsel the NAACP that justice has been served. Yeah, sure.

Somebody highjacked HuffPo. Liberals would never foment discord; bait vigilante responses, second guess a unanimous verdict from six women instructed by a Democrat judge.
According to the Associated Press, Zimmerman, 29, showed almost no emotion as the verdict clearing him of all charges was read. Yet Huffpo managed to find the picture at left. Which is fine, except the story had this sinister headline
Looks like Obummer and Holder might bring civil rights charges now. Of course there was never any evidence of this in the trial. And it seems some celebs and people on the net still think Zimmerman is white for some reason. I could care less anymore since Zimmerman is a confirmed Obummer voter. How’s that workin out for him now?