Yoda Yogi and Obamacare

Here at veritaspac.com we try to bring you, Republican Conservatives, articles and analysis that provide fodder for defeating big-government liberals and keep the Republican Party conservative.  The two go hand in hand, we are supposedly the opposition Party, not the me too Party. A Republican Party that is not conservative is not an alternative and will be supplanted. Obamacare is at the top of the list for conservatives to oppose.

Having reviewed Clarice Feldman’s post today at American Thinker  we are humbled and realize once again our amateurish standing in the effort, certainly as compared to Clarice but more fundamentally compared to the deep insight and succinctness of none other than Yogi Berra.

In the quote brought to our attention by Clarice, Yogi summarizes the essence of F. A Hayek’s The Fatal Conceit.  And whenever you come across a smarmy, no-it-all,  effete, liberal policy wonk, RINO “realist,” journalist or politician pontificating about the “need” for more government to solve this or that problem may we suggest as per Yogi this rejoinder:  “In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.”

Clarice goes on to quote Richard Feynman, a Nobel laureate in Physics but also a critic/ philosopher of  “science:”

“The real question of government versus private enterprise is argued on too philosophical and abstract a basis. Theoretically, planning may be good. But nobody has ever figured out the cause of government stupidity and until they do (and find the cure) all ideal plans will fall into quicksand.”

As regards the quotes, they are prelude to an article on Obamacare in which Clarice states

Whichever version (quote) you choose, it’s clear that Democrat stupidity is at the heart of Obamacare, the entire juggernaut is sliding into quicksand and taking the party down with it as bits of the law become implemented, other bits have been delayed, waived for some buddies, or jettisoned as unworkable by an administration which consistently confuses executive and legislative functions. The Republicans now face a dilemma of how best to save us from the monstrous overreach of this statute without allowing the DeMSM (a coinage expressing the partisan pro-Democrat mass media) to blame them for the onrushing disaster.

She defines three approaches, without conclusion. 1) Let Obamacare collapse of its own practical and political weight as a result of public dissatisfaction which will also result in the demise of the Democrat Party as it is made to “own” it. 2) Defund it. Or 3), delay it in a plan that (supposedly) produces electoral victory in 2014 and 2016 leading to the assured political will to dismantle it.

We think plan 1 and plan 3 give life to Obamacare and the ability of the DeMSM to finesse blame along with time to improve it to a however temporary ambulatory state .  The people are already dissatisfied enough. However let / require more and more to become dependent on something, and the more and more they will want a redoubled government involvement . . . all the while inculcating the concept of government run health care and destroying what we have.   Competence in the effort to defund, as Clarice concedes,  does not obviate other plan B scenarios if defunding does not work..

The background and scenarios are well worth wading into.  Do so by reading the full article Obamacare: When Socialist Theory Meets Practice .    DLH and R Mall

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