The Natives Are Very Restless — Launches Boot Boehner Campaign

Screen shot 2013-09-12 at 6.56.02 AMOur southern correspondent and resident polling expert, Doug Kelly, sent this item of note from Pew Research.  Of course Veritaspac readers  are already “in tune” with the article.  It is the local, state and national establishment Republicans who fear for their sinecures; the don’t rock the boat hand wringing conservatives,  and the so called moderates (actually liberal) that need to take note.

Tea Party Increasingly Unhappy with GOP Leadership

There is an increasing frustration of grassroots Republicans with the management style of the Republican establishment at all levels. Certainly there are champions and good and mediocre examples out there at all levels, including here in Iowa.  But too much of the leadership demeanor in too many locals ranges from paying utterly no attention to key issues in the platform to disparagement of those issues and the people who champion them.

Yet those “leaders” want to use conservative issues, limited to claiming fidelity to them, to recruit donors rather than actually promote conservative solutions. Their game plan is to identify potential Republican supporters using conservative themes, create grand data bases and purport to turn out that vote for Republicans using a  variety of the latest greatest contact methodologies. Of course that has been the “plan” for decades, it is certainly nothing new, targeting , micro-targeting, whatever. Year to year the differences amounts to new consultants with different software.

What is lost in all the latest-greatest methodologies, is that to be most effective, people, the “targets,” need to believe the messenger. That requires some demonstrated authenticity. It requires confidence in the solicitors willingness to fight the good fight, win lose or draw.

Key issue oriented groups are able to achieve on those terms.  But there is a dearth of that on the part of much of the Republican leadership at all levels. The leadership is either perceived as being tongue tied, abhor talking about and leading on any issues, superficial, insincere, underhanded or just bureaucratic uninspired log bumps, far more immersed in pro-forma mechanics than what actually motivates people.

Too much is at stake right now for conservatives to simply submit to “trust us”  admonitions from Republican establishment leadership when so many are perceived as prime examples of the “qualities” listed above.

That is no doubt part of the genesis of the “Boot Boehner” campaign being  launched by, which is connected to Iowa conservative activist Chuck Laudner.   Find out more about their efforts by visiting their Website.     R Mall

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2 Responses to The Natives Are Very Restless — Launches Boot Boehner Campaign

  1. Gus says:

    If, as it looks likely, the Senate immigration bill and the CR which does not defund O’Care passes, and the so-called “leadership” of the House does not get fully and aggressively behind the Benghazi and IRS, and Fast and Furious “phony” scandals, the GOP is dead as an effective political party. I think there are others like me who will see little point in providing support, financial or other, to this soon-to-be moribund organization. And take Reince Priebus with you “Boner”…Adios!

  2. Doug Kelly says:

    The larger truth about the Republican leadership and too many Republicans who seem to blindly follow is that they are no longer the conservative alternative, and they haven’t been for the past 30 years.

    Just as the left has incrementally moved the government and the governance far to the left (essentially by a slow-motion coup d ‘etat) the Republican party has become the party of the status quo, and have put up little or no resistance to the left’s take-over. It is as if they don’t want to rock the boat or even make waves because they are convinced by the liberal’s excellent propaganda and the mainstream media that they are viewed as obstructionists counter to the nation’s needs.

    The pathetic fact of this is that they have come to believe the retail politics of their opposition. They have bought into the lies of the left — Republicans are only for the rich; ignore the middle class; disdain all minorities; preach religion instead of morals; obstruct instead of lead, and so on . . . you know the drill. It’s bad enough when one starts believing one’s own propaganda, but it is nearly pathological when one believes the opposition’s propaganda. But worse, the Republican leadership not only believes it, but its sole message is “just say no”. Think about it: With this, losing the last two national elections is not really surprising, is it?

    Is that not pitiful? Does that not prove beyond any doubt that the leadership and those go-along-to-get-along worthies in the Republican party do not make a conservative party? We’ve waited for years for them to foster conservative ideals — any conservative ideals. But they have not. How could they? They don’t even believe it themselves.

    No one in the party’s leadership can actually articulate what real Conservatism is. Because they are not in any way conservatives. Read their own blueprint for the future: the “Growth, Opportunity Project”. It is clearly just an autopsy report disguised as a plan. They just don’t get it.

    We have been patient and have shown our willingness to support the Party for much too long. It has become embarrassing to wait any longer for the train that will never arrive at the station. In my opinion, we are fools to continue doing the same things and expecting different results. It will not happen.

    We must search deeply for true, honest, and real conservatives to lead the party in the next elections and aggressively support them. Let us open our minds and quit pretending the Republican party is something it’s not . . . Conservative. Continuing to be simply status quo players of the game is insulting our integrity, and we will lose any chance of changing America to become better than it presently is. Today’s government and our current governance is rapidly taking us into George Orwell’s world of big brother and the double-speak of fascism. Time is of the essence.

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