Veritas Salad

Is Your Senate Candidate Under the Influence of the Chamber of Crony Capitalists, or The Main Street Partnership?

We have previously written about the Chamber of Commerce persona, goals, and attacks on the Tea Party movement. Now Michelle Malkin has what should be a devastating expose in her column today: Beware the Left-Wing-Funded “Main Street” Republicans

It focuses on an organization run by former 20 year Republican congressman Steven LaTourette, The Main Street Partnership.

As the paper (New York Times) reported, the Main Street Partnership is a nonprofit group that charges members up to $25,000 per year to rub elbows with Washington’s rich and powerful. The Main Street Advocacy Fund and the Defending Main Street SuperPAC are political satellites planning to amass $8 million to bolster Republican liberals and moderates facing tea party challengers in 2014.  . . .

The Times notes that “corporations and lobbyists” fund the Main Street Partnership. But far-left donors provided seed money for these affiliated K Street fronts. Who’s behind the Defending Main Street SuperPAC? Big Labor. National Journal’s Scott Bland reported last month that “two labor organizations, the International Union of Operating Engineers and the Laborers’ International Union of North America, directed a combined $400,000 to the Republican group in September and October. Main Street says it has raised roughly $2 million total between its super PAC and an affiliated nonprofit group so far — and that means labor has supplied at least 20 percent of those funds.”

Along with the anti-tea party U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the “Main Street” fat cats and union leaders have banded together to help President Obama push through illegal alien amnesty. The payoff: cheap labor for big business, cheap votes for the Democratic Party.

Well if the Chamber of Crony Capitalists or Main Street Partnership (a.k.a Downtown  Boys a.k.a. K Street Partnership) are intent on influencing the selection of Republican nominees they certainly have influenced ours.


Our Illustrious Senior Editor, wintering in South Florida, writes in between mint juleps or lattes or whatever: 

I went to my usual coffee haunt this AM. Talking to one of the servers I’ve known over the years I’ve been going there, she filled me in on the changes there since I was away.

New decor, new furniture, new managers, essentially the same wait-staff. She noted, however, that the biggest change was the reclassification of all but five members of the restaurant’s entire non-mgt. staff from full-time to part time, due solely to Obamacare provisions. My first firsthand report on what we have known all along.  DLH


Michelle Bachmann selected by Obama Administration to decide whether to prosecute accusations of abuses of power.  Main Stream Media untroubled.

We’re sorry did we write Michelle Bachmann? . . .  we meant an Obama donor.

Read the full story in the Washington Times:  Obama loyalist heads probe into IRS targeting of tea party .  Excerpts below:

The Justice Department selected an avowed political supporter of President Obama to lead the criminal probe into the IRS targeting of tea party groups, according to top Republicans who said Wednesday that the move has ruined the entire investigation.

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, and regulatory affairs subcommittee Chairman Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican, said they have discovered that the head of the investigation is Barbara Kay Bosserman, a trial lawyer in the Justice Department who donated more than $6,000 to Mr. Obama’s 2008 and 2012 campaigns, as well as several hundred dollars to the national Democratic Party.

“The department has created a startling conflict of interest,” Mr. Issa and Mr. Jordan said in a letter sent Wednesday and reviewed by The Washington Times. “It is unbelievable that the department would choose such an individual to examine the federal government’s systematic targeting and harassment of organizations opposed to the president’s policies.”

No story there, move along.

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2 Responses to Veritas Salad

  1. DLH says:

    I must be mistaken about my recent experience at my “usual coffee haunt” here in Florida. I recalled a news briefing by Grizzly Adams…er, again, my mistake…it’s the beard. I mean Jay Carney, White House Press Secretary and apparent wannabe Duck Dynasty cast member:

    “If you look at the economic data, the suggestion that the (Affordable Care Act) is reducing full time employment is belied by the facts…The data reflects that there is not support for the proposition that businesses are not hiring full-time employees because of the Affordable Care Act.” Jay Carney, July 16, 2013

    A leading Obama flack and alleged newspaper, the Washington Post, backed up Carney’s position: Their “fact checker”, Glenn Kessler, was unable to assign any “Pinnochios” to Carney’s and the administration’s rosy assertions; “Critics may seize on a month’s data here or an anecdote there but the full impact of…Obamacare, on employment will not be felt until after it is fully implemented (noting that the employer mandate will not be effective until 2015 because of Obama’s decision to delay it until…after the midterms).”

    I guess that server friend of mine was “anecdotally” wrong. I’m sure Jay Carney, 6 months after his briefing, can still find no data to support her assertion that most of her dozens of colleagues are no longer full-time employees because of the ACA, aka “Obamacare”. DLH

  2. Roy Munson says:

    I reported 1o months ago about people going from full time to part time because of Obamacare at Hy-Vee. Next time you guys are in Hy-Vee’s Wine & Spirits section in Bettendorf ask Rich or Mary about how fudged up everything is because of Obamacare there. They won’t hold back trust me.

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