Scott County Republican Precinct Caucus Resolutions Page 1

The following is the first of Veritas PAC matters we think would enhance the Scott County Republican Platform.  They are certainly not exhaustive but we feel they are important. .  Look to these pages on Tuesday before you leave to attend your caucus for a consolidated list of suggestions.

This section is an effort to protect the integrity of the platform and the Party. The proposal(s) suggested here relate to the current Section 12 of  the Scott County platform as passed in 2010.  The 2012 platform for some reason is not posted on the Scott County Web site.  The State Party posts the state platform in its entirety. State and National platforms do not make local and district platforms irrelevant.  It is ridiculous to think otherwise. Each local has issues important to its adherents and field of influence, including enhancements and correctives not necessarily relevant elsewhere.

Resolved,  The voting records and known positions of nominated candidates that are substantially opposed to core principles and positions of this platform shall be used by Republican leadership in decisions about the use of Party resources, and interpreted as negative factors.

Resolved, That candidates who receive Republican Party money be required to return to the Republican Party any financial help if the candidate bows out of the race or endorses a Democrat.

Revised from original post, further refinements and other comments are welcome.

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One Response to Scott County Republican Precinct Caucus Resolutions Page 1

  1. Roy Munson says:

    When the big inflatable Elephant gets wheeled into the front of Modern Woodman park for Republican night again this summer at the River Bandits game, for the love of god at least have a warm body greeting people and handing out something. Hire the guy who is always there playing the saxophone if you have to.

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