Veritas Salad

A trillion here, a trillion there . . . pretty soon we’re talking real money

From 1-16-14 USA Today.  Read delicious greased pig quote at center.

From 1-16-14 USA Today. Read delicious greased pig quote at center.

DRUDGE, the important news aggregation site which primarily aggravates the hell out of liberals, has several budget bill stories today that should be embarrassing to at least 14 Republicans in the Senate and 64 Republicans in the House as well.

Top Dem Admits: ‘Nobody’ Read 1,582-Page Spending Bill…   But of course he voted for it. Now the default position on a bill that size where you are given about 36 hours to study it is to oppose it.  So when a Republican says he didn’t read it, the good government approach is to do what he did, vote against it, and not put up with the leadership’s BS in pushing it trough.

For the record, and to their credit, Iowa Congressman Steve King and Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley opposed passage.

But maybe we should be pleased it was as long as it was, at three million dollars a word that is expensive.  Put more words in the budget and then it costs us less per word . . . that’s the ticket!

You don’t think this was a partial payoff to the AARP . . . for all their campaign support for budget busting, stick it to the children, big government programs?

Naaah . . . MO holding the card was completely innocent.


Michelle Obama features AARP card. Seems like a paid ad to us.

There are alternatives.  I have been a member of AMAC — a rising star conservative advocate for “plus 50’s.”  Medicare insurance supplements, insurances for those under 65, travel  discounts, buying discounts, etc.. they have it all.  Main point.  There is no need to give a dime to the AARP which helps support a liberal Democrat program advocacy and which helps set the stage for people like MO.


Obama’s NSA speech —  a pathetic list of reforms . . .

Rand Paul , one of the Senators who has taken the lead in opposition to the NSA’ metadata gathering program had this to say in response to Obama’s suggestion that maybe the surveillance collection could be parked with private companies:

“I don’t want them collecting the information,” Paul said on CNN. “It’s not about who holds it.” In his statement, he added that he felt Obama’s solution “is the same unconstitutional program with a new configuration.”

Obama went on to announce that George Soros John Podesta would lead a “comprehensive review.”  No problems with that . . . couldn’t think of a more bipartisan individual than him.

Read more here .

Senator Sessions nails Harry Reid . . . our Illustrious Senior Editor brought the speech to our attention, and wonders . . .

While I strongly recommend this piece for consideration by anyone who believes that we currently have a two-party system of political governance . . . but ask yourself if you really want to see people like Boehner and McConnell and Ryan and Cantor et al claiming to represent a “loyal opposition” and the soul of the Republican Party, when they are propagators of the system Senator Sessions so effectively describes.

We fund the government through massive omnibus bills that no one has had the time to read or analyze. Senators are stripped of their right to offer amendments. Bills are rushed through under threat of panic, crisis, or shutdown. Secret deals rule the day, and millions of Americans are essentially robbed of their ability to participate in the legislative process.

Under the tenure of Majority Leader Reid, the Senate is rapidly losing its historic role as a great deliberative body. If this continues, America will have lost something very precious.

The entire speech by Senator Sessions is available at Powerline. It is a very worthwhile  read.  Sessions gets it. Does Speaker Boehner?              R Mall and DLH

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One Response to Veritas Salad

  1. Roy Munson says:

    Hey good to see John Podesta is on the case, eh? Seriously why the hell is there ALWAYS the biggest Obummer or Democrat person/peoples leading all these “comprehensive reviews” and investigations of scandals? Never a special prosecutor brought in or any serious people to get to the bottom of it.

    This is supposed to be the most obstructionists Congress in history. Do some damn obstructing! I know Paul and Cruz have tried several times but the establishment (John McLame’s crew) always freak out right before actual ground has been made. It’s just so frustrating to watch. And than you look at what The Whale is going thru in Jersey for some traffic! All of the above and they still might tar and feather him and lift him by crane and drop him off the bridge!

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