Veritas Salad

“Soft diplomacy” — so that’s what they are now calling Michelle and the kids vacation junkets

They used to be called “cultural exchange” trips.  Oh well, here is a breathless account of Queen Michele’s cultural exchange  “soft diplomacy” trip to China this week:

Oh heck, skip the superfluous stuff and here is the really important insights the Reuters reporter provided:

“Obama, a Harvard-educated lawyer, wore wide-legged black slacks and a loose black vest.

“Conversation between the two women was stilted during a morning visit to a calligraphy class, especially because both spoke via their own translators.

“I’m nervous,” Obama said, as she picked up her calligraphy brush.

“Don’t be nervous,” Peng replied in English.

“Peng, an adept calligrapher, then drew the four characters of an ancient aphorism about virtue and presented it to Obama.

“The two also visited a robotics class, and Obama played ping-pong with students.

“The two seemed to warm to each other during a jaunt through the Forbidden City late on Friday morning. Peng took care to ensure that Obama’s daughters understood the history of buildings with names like “Hall of Supreme Harmony” and “Palace of Heavenly Purity”, a senior U.S. administration official said.

“Peng, dressed immaculately in a cornflower-blue skirt suit, with a red leather clutch and matching stud earrings, appeared to speak limited English, but gamely ventured a few comments to foreign students and the Obama family.

It is expected that future accounts will inform an anxious world what Sasha and Malia are wearing on this crucial visit to the Middle Kingdom. Many nervously await word on whether the two girls will indeed try their hands at calligraphy as one of them was heard to mutter, “we don’t do cursive.”

The Reckless Toddler President

Jeffrey T. Brown writing at American Thinker has written a number of articles exposing the personality of  Barack Obama, boy President. The excerpts below are from his latest. This one was titled considerably milder  than the trenchant truths it portrays.

Too Busy to be President

The obvious lesson, of course, is that if you elect a pampered, spoiled, coddled, insulated, shielded narcissist, male or female, whose image bears no resemblance to his or her substance, you get chaos, and decay and danger.  You get bored, disinterested and dismissive brats who resent accountability, and the expectation or insistence that they do what they are paid to do in positions they sought, with skills and traits they lied about having.  You get dead Americans, likely with more to come, whose sacrifice means nothing compared to a speech or fundraiser, which itself finances the continuation of the damage being done daily by the poseur and his equally fraudulent cohorts.

In short, you get what we have right now: a fake grown-up, lacking a moral compass, whose protectors have allowed him to escape criticism for saying and doing meaningless and dishonest things, who is paralyzed by his own inadequacy in times of adversity.  You get someone who never did his homework and read off classmates’ papers during the test.  You get someone who has never had to make a really difficult decision in his life in which he stood to lose something important to himself, rather than something he could simply steal from others.  You get an unprepared toddler.  The grownups with evil designs can’t believe their good fortune.  The grownups with a country to lose can’t believe it, either.  Our future is in the hands of toddlers.

Did you know that the Scott County Platform no longer calls for  “photo ID” ?

The Scott County Republican platform process was recklessly pushed aside with the full support and encouragement of Chairman Chairwoman Chairperson Chair Judy Davidson.  Clear planks that inform potential voters that the Republican Party is more than a bland out of touch election club unserious about any particular matter were removed and replaced with mostly unspecific blandishments.

Among the “too hot to handle” items removed from previous platforms — a call for photo ID while voting.  Photo ID is something that even DEMOCRATS support  (61%) and Independents  (83%),  not to mention Republicans (95%).  But it is another subject that Scott County dare not mention by name.

Maybe it was thought a niggling detail matter covered by some substituted all inclusive profundity which platform readers can struggle to find.  Surely that is how platforms are supposed to be, made difficult to understand what specifically the party stands for.

A call for “one citizen one legal vote”  is the platitude in the Scott County platform readers are to parse for key matters relating to voting integrity, and by the way,  to encourage legislators to insure honest elections.

The Platform Chairman Chairperson Chair, one Jason Purcell of extensive political and policy involvement over the  years,  grandiosely  challenged delegates at the county convention to find anything in the old platform not covered in the new.  Of course actually pointing out and doing anything about such matters would have required a suspension of the rules, so he and the rest of the platform committee were safe from further embarrassment.   At any rate the Scott County Republican Party now has no official position on requiring photo ID for voting.  And this is what passes for responsible leadership and political relevancy?

In our spare time we are jotting down highlights of what is missing from the so called Scott County Platform and how meaningless its sort is as an approach to political relevance.

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One Response to Veritas Salad

  1. Roy Munson says:

    Wow the Scott County Republican clown show continues! I remember being at the fairgrounds as a delegate in 2012 and watching Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz give the best speech I have ever heard on this issue (fresh off his appearance kicking Chrissy Matthews ass on MSNBC). It’s embarrassing they would now have no official position on this issue now.

    The Scott County Platform is a rudderless ship driven by emotion and political correctness. They are scared of their own shadow and leave good people like Matt Schultz hanging in the wind instead of embracing them. And this is a winning issue which makes it all the more bizarre. Google it anywhere from 65-75% of people support voter laws.

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