Does Mayor Bill Gluba of Davenport Have A Clue?

Some questions for Mayor Gluba regarding his desire to add to the city’s complement of citizen welfare recipients with 200 totally dependent non-citizens from Central America.

It is clear from even leftist commentators and sources that the non-citizens from Central America now rushing the border for the most part are not without family and the families not without some means. This is necessary for them to successfully arrive at border control stations to present themselves for the “I’m a refugee take me in” gambit and manipulation of ill-considered US law with the help of an equally manipulative President Obama.

Mr. Mayor, if it is truly about the “children” . . .

  • How does agitating to bring a couple hundred teens and some children from Central America here, for months and probably years, make for stronger families  . . . unless the goal is reunification with their parents sometime in the future in the US?  Isn’t prompt repatriation the superior approach given the existing burdens on our welfare system?
  • Do you really believe lawyering up, as your back-slap buddy President Obama proposes with billions of dollars requested from Congress to deal with the crises of his administrative making, is not actually intended to insure legal delays instead of expeditious deportation and reunification of young squatters back to their home country?
  • If they are so destitute, how did they come up with the money reported to be necessary to pay extortion fees from coyotes and cartels?
  • Are Davenport citizen welfare recipients of  local state and federal aid so well provided for that resources can be redirected to non-citizens? If not, by what propriety do you propose increasing burdens on taxpayers?
  • Do you believe in open borders? If not, how is it that the presentation of oneself on our border an entitlement in any ethical way to our resources other than in the case of compassion for those stranded while truly passing through, sojourners in the biblical sense? If it is a matter of dealing with true refugees then why are you not proposing rescue flights into all such nations?  Why would you want to leave any children behind? One can be assured that they would be lined up on the runway.
  • What do you think Mexico’s responsibility is in this border crisis involving citizens of Central America traversing their country under special considerations?
  • Do you have any concern that overwhelming the southern border immigration system is consistent with a “Reconquista” movement or other sense of entitlement on the part of Mexican and other Latin American agitators?
  • You suggested that Davenport can readily cope with 200 additional non-citizen recipients  who will be totally dependent on largess (primarily tax but also charity) for health care, food, housing, and education during a time you place no informed limit on. There is no definitive end  by anything you have publicly revealed as to length of time for such tax and other community support. It is open-ended as long as they are not deported. What is the maximum amount of time for such aid that you have insisted on with your contacts in the White House. Upon expiring what would you do about it?
  • Our nation has 314 million people. If we presume by your standards that such individuals be apportioned in the same ratio nationwide as  you have proposed for Davenport (200 per 100,000  equals  2 per thousand) that seems to argue for an absorption of 628 thousand such individuals nationwide who are crossing our border in order to receive such aid (there are no jobs here for them and as you maintain they are underage anyway). This is in addition to the hundreds of thousands (perhaps a million) of  Mexican and other illegal immigrants expected to cross our borders in a year’s time who also present burdens on our welfare system. How are the implications of your proposal not a profound disregard for the ability to sustain the  46 million or more American citizens including a high percentage of children, who receive welfare, food stamps or in the case of adults, unemployment benefits, not to mention our overburdened social security and  medicare system?
  • If bringing dependents into the country is justified by the presence of violence in their home country,  why are you not inviting illegal immigrants from Juarez or Sao Paulo or citizens from say, South Chicago?
  • How does your proposal not encourage a continued rush on the border?
  • Do you have any idea of the costs, and if so, what are they anticipated to be per month of stay for housing, special program education, food, clothing and medical care?
  • Astoundingly you have suggested that this proposal of yours will bring “federal” money into Davenport.  Where does that money come from? Is it money lying around? Does it not come from Davenport taxpayers as well? Out of one side of your mouth you imply that this is sort of like competing for contracts for the Rock Island Arsenal . . . as if it is good business.  Are you proposing that Davenport be a destination hub for such border rushes?  Why not? You made the statement as if it was not a cost to local taxpayers. Is that in any way true?  Are you seriously suggesting your proposal is good business for Davenport?
  • What is the cost component for local taxing government entities (city, county, school distinct and state) in this venture?  What is the term of their commitment?
  • Why have you not pursued a deliberated endorsement from the Davenport City Council or any of the other state and local taxing entities?
  • Regarding “charities” you enlist, what portion of their resources to be devoted to this or transferred from their general budgets come from tax funding? What will be reimbursed by tax dollars? Are they then truly charities?
  • What alternatives have you considered regarding your concern for the Central American citizens that does not involve burdening area tax supported agencies?
  • In order to prevent burdens on U.S. taxpayers, what policy recommendations have you delivered to President Obama that would serve to prevent the continuing rush to the border from Central American countries and also the continuing even more extensive problem with Mexico citizens’ disregard of our border and laws?
  • You couch your proposal in terms replete with religious connotations while advocating for transfers of taxes expropriated  from citizens. Is that charity in any true sense of the word? Consider studying these counter arguments to your generally stilted view of civil and charitable responsibilities regarding the matter:*

What does the Bible say about illegal immigration?

Christian Ethics Do Not Support Illegal Immigration

A Bad Biblical Case for Immigration Reform

What the Bible Says about Illegal Immigration

The Use and Abuse of the Bible in the Immigration Debate

A Biblical Perspective on Immigration Policy

A Torah Perspective on National Borders and Illegal Immigration

More reading about the border crisis

The Timeline Of The “Border Crisis” – An Intentionally Manufactured Crisis Created To Advance Comprehensive Immigration Reform ?

HHS Bankrolled Catholic and Baptist Church from 2010 to 2013 to Prepare for Obama’s 2014 Invasion!

Black American from Gang-Besieged Baltimore: ‘Where Can I Get Asylum?’

Border crisis scrambling the politics of immigration policy

Violent gang taking advantage of immigration crisis, using border as recruiting hub (MS-13)

Rick Perry: Obama Still Isn’t Serious About Border Security

Governor Vexed With Secrecy in Sending Illegal Immigrants to Nebraska
Federal Government Says It Is Just Following the Law

The president’s ‘man-caused’ disaster

BP Agent: 70% of Agents Being Pulled Off Patrols for Paperwork

Rep. Marsha Blackburn to Newsmax: Illegal Minors Pawns in Obama’s ‘Game’

* as with information and opinion contained in any external site linked to, Veritas does not necessarily agree with all of the analysis or content.

This entry was posted in IMMIGRATION, RELIGION AND GOVERNMENT, UNCATEGORIZED. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Does Mayor Bill Gluba of Davenport Have A Clue?

  1. Kiley says:

    I came across your site and saw this posting. I wanted to share with you that I have a sign in my front yard where I put up abbreviated (because of space) information about what is going on with the QC and the world. I am located on 38th Street in Rock Island, if you would like to drive by and take a look. I am not a conservative, but a centrist, with a small conservative slant. I have one up right now about Mayor Gluba and his thought about letting illegals come here. I do applaud your efforts for being involved and putting information out there too.

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