What Tranquility (Base) Means To These “Moon Shots”

Secretary Kerry has met with Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and has kept in close contact with events in the Ukraine related to what  “may be a terrible tragedy”, as President Obama has described it, of the Malaysian airliner shot down by Russian separatists on Thursday.

It’s expected that Sec. Kerry will report to the President that Israel’s invasion of Gaza is “reminiscent” of Jenjus (sic) Khan and that he is aware that Israeli soldiers are “cutting off ears, attaching electrodes to genitals”, and all sorts of other things.

As to the Ukraine situation, a statement from the White House is expected to place blame for the possibly terrible tragic downing of the Malaysian airliner on the tea party extremists who control the Republican party and on Home Depot for providing former Secretary of State Clinton with a faulty “reset button” she presented to the Russian foreign minister in 2009.

Meanwhile Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced further troop reductions and cuts in the Pentagon budget. He also reported that he has taken steps to insure  the smoothest possible transition to civilian life for  whom he described as “our brave service members”. Hagel said that he has ordered the Defense Department to forward to the officers serving in Afghanistan who are affected by the reductions in force, applications for unemployment compensation. Hagel said that this will make it possible for them to begin receiving their unemployment pay and food stamps immediately upon returning to the US. Hagel said that “we owe this to our heroes”.

And, finally, this just in: Michele Obama’s office has just announced that the First Lady will issue a very strongly worded tweet within the hour. The World Awaits!      DLH

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