Stories that lead to broad narratives that are both false

What difference does the truth about something make as long as what is said supports a desired (politically correct) narrative? If you can’t find something grandly demonstrative – fudge the truth – or just make it up!

These excerpts are noteworthy from the standpoint of representing the kind of stuff the media and the left inundate America with. This is how, very often, even conservatives come to adopt the same narrative as the Democrat left. No one has been more subjected to this kind of stuff than Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, especially from establishment Republicans.

It is tragic that, however serious some conservatives and libertarians might be, they are still vulnerable to the same thing that low information voters are . . .  relentless leftist slander against conservative Republicans ( and traditions and culture).

The excerpts below are from a story by Howard Kurtz, Fox News Politics: It refers to Sabrina Erdely, the Rolling Stones reporter who embarrassed herself and the magazine with a  defamatory story about campus rape focused on a University of Virginia fraternity:

Rolling Stone’s Rape Story: A bigger journalistic train wreck than we thought

“Now the rest of Erdely’s work is starting to be scrutinized. In a 2012 piece forRolling Stone, Erdely wrote of a series of suicides in a Minnesota community among teenagers who were gay or perceived to be gay. She begins a girl named Brittany, who was taunted as a “dyke” and later killed herself. But then there is this:

“Like many 13-year-olds, Brittany knew seventh grade was a living hell. But what she didn’t know was that she was caught in the crossfire of a culture war being waged by local evangelicals inspired by their high-profile congressional representative Michele Bachmann, who graduated from Anoka High School and, until recently, was a member of one of the most conservative churches in the area. When Christian activists who considered gays an abomination forced a measure through the school board forbidding the discussion of homosexuality in the district’s public schools, kids like Brittany were unknowingly thrust into the heart of a clash that was about to become intertwined with tragedy.”

“Bachmann doesn’t even live in the school district any more, and whatever her views on gays, linking her name to these tragic deaths seems more political than factual.
“We still don’t know what happened or did not happen in Charlottesville. At the very least, though, the gang rape story seems to be seriously exaggerated. But the damage to Rolling Stone’s reputation is not.”


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