Summarizing our Summary

The morally bankrupt GOP congressional leadership and the toadies who defrauded the voters in the mid-terms are now in full control. If, as expected, they will continue to do the bidding of the US Chamber of Commerce, big money guys like Sheldon Adelson, and the phony Republican establishment, Karl Rove, et al, the GOP will be no longer viable as an effective political party.

The next sound we hear from Boehner and McConnell , as the “temporary”funding for Obama’s illegal executive action on illegal immigration runs out, will be their plaintive pleas that they have no choice but to fund it for the rest of the fiscal year. “After all, we are only one-third of the federal government. When we win the presidency in 2016, we’ll really, really stop the amnesty, Obamacare, excessive regulation, soaring spending, raging national debt, crony capitalism, etc, and we’ll do lots of good stuff. Just send us some more money for campaigns and vote for Jeb (oops, forget that) and all us other solid conservatives. Remember…we’re lookin’ out for you.”

And Joe Biden is our vice president????????????????

Put me down as one of those “nutty, fringe conservatives” but I believe nobody says it better than Sarah Palin!

Palin on Obama/Boehner Cromnibus Bill: ‘It Stinks to High Heaven’

In response to questions from

It’s baffling really. The Republican Leadership in the House just flipped American voters the bird by sidelining the new Congress we just elected. I want the names of all 162 yahoos who would squander the opportunity to respect the will of the people and get America on the right track. Please print their names so we can ask them, “What the heck are you thinking?!”

And thank you to the 67 House Republicans who did vote no. Let’s remind everyone of their names also.

3. Do you believe that the 162 Republicans that voted for the bill will face a backlash by conservatives?

Hope so! I’ll do my part and I call upon every citizen to do their civic duty to save our country. It’s easy; understand RINO season opens soon and don’t hold back.

She had a lot more to say.  We will link to the list of 162 weak sisters later today.


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