Results are in, Davenport among queerest of cities!

In case you thought we were merely editorializing *:

QCT Dav queerest cityth-1





The Quad Queer City Times  reports:

Davenport was praised by the magazine for its transsexual-inclusive nondiscrimination law, events such as the Quad-City Pride Festival and Progressive Restaurant Walk, the cultural presence of the Figge Art Museum and city nightlife options, specifically mentioning Mary’s on 2nd. Boom is one of the co-owners of Mary’s.

A LOT  of questions (and some answers) come to mind.

Why did this story not rate front page above the fold instead of page B1?

Easy, the award by The Advocate magazine apparently did not mention the Quad City Times, no more gay friendly newspaper could be imagined, and they were hurt.  It was a really unforgivable thing for The Advocate to do.

How many guffaws, e-mails, Facebook entries, etc. can be expected associating Davenport’s high queer rating with residency here?

A lot. Offended readers should begin new accounts and or begin repeating the mantra – it doesn’t make you a bad person

How on G*d’s green earth did Davenport make it and not Iowa City?

The question will certainly plague Iowa City until there is a reckoning.  We expect intense soul-searching in Iowa City (perhaps they tried too hard?) Competition to keep / claim the designation could get ugly, or at least gauche.

Seriously, what are the politics behind this.

We think you may have answered your own question.

Is it true that there is a petition circulating to rename Davenport?

Yes.  Suggestions include Queerport, Transport, Divanport,  We suspect we would have a lot more fodder if the QC Times had not suspended  comments to their article.

Seriously, the Figge?

It explains the art choices, attendance, need for subsidies

*  thanks to TN for the tip . We might add another comment here but we know better.

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