Anyone who wants justice . . .

. . . should stop blaming others when the responsibility is within

This piece is from John Hinderaker writing at the Powerline blog. A Funeral in Wisconsin. It is well done and offers details which provide both important additional insight into how the media is attempting to manipulate public opinion toward, or away from, what?

The AP story referred to, more than once, referenced Ferguson, and “unarmed”, and “black lives matter”.

Ironically juxtaposing Ferguson and this Wisconsin story makes the point unspoken by the media. In each case, an officer was aggressively confronted, physically attacked, acting well within legal rights and with reasonable behavior. While the outcome was tragic, the fault lies not with the officers involved, or the “culture” within the community or the police dept. Instead it lies within the black community itself and with those whose actions, ill intentioned or not, perpetuate those issues.

Painting the deceased as some kind of warm, witty youth who has become a victim of some nationwide disregard for “black lives” insures that other youths in that community need not examine their actions but instead feed a seething victimhood. Excerpts from Power Line, bold our emphasis:

I wrote here about the sad case of Tony Robinson, who, apparently on drugs or otherwise impaired, jumped in front of cars on the street outside his apartment, attacked two people inside the building, and, when a police officer responded to calls for help, assaulted the officer, who shot him. Robinson’s funeral was today. The Associated Press reports:

Friends and family remembered a 19-year-old biracial Wisconsin man fatally shot by police as a friendly, funny person who liked to play basketball, and said on Saturday they hoped his death would bring change that might prevent other young men of color from suffering the same fate.

Other young men, of color or not, can escape the same fate by not attacking police officers. I am not sure that was the message that was transmitted today.


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2 Responses to Anyone who wants justice . . .

  1. phil silverman says:

    oh, sure those “Bl;ack Leaders”, those “Community Organizers”, like our Kenyan born President, are 1000% responsible for Black crime by Black youth. Of course, we can look to GOP policies of non support for inner city schools and transportation as a tiny factor; and the historical systematic suppression of Blacks across a lot of this Country, to this day. Suppression of voting rights, property rights, workplace Rights, Education rights, civil rights. Promotion of Jim Crow tactics to fracture the Black family for generations to come. Keep flailing away at …nothing. Keep raising $$$ off issues YOU exaggerate. Hillary wins in ’16. AFHA is sustained. No more ground troops sent 10,000 miles away for phony reasons.

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