What if?

ryanlerch_thinkingboy_outline-1Let’s review. What if, say, the “Mob” was running the US government, instead of the benign and righteous Barack Obama administration. What would it be like?

– If some snotty, attractive reporter, like a Sharyl Attkisson, kept digging up damning information and writing stories about various illegal activities of the mob, they’d probably have her boss, a guy friendly to the mob anyway, harass her; then the mob might decide to hack her computer, maybe bug all her communications, and, if she persisted, have her fired.

– And, what if one news network was not in the bag for the Mob and kept doing unfavorable news reports and commentary. They’d probably exclude that network’s reporters from some events, the “Don” running the government would even publicly criticize the network with disparaging remarks as he made speeches around the nation, and to step it up a notch might have its chief enforcer, amusingly referred to as the “Justice” dept. characterize to a court, secretly, that one of the network’s political reporters was a co-conspirator in an espionage case and get a secret warrant to tap his phones and those of associates and close relatives.

– Would a Mob-run administration keep dossiers on the foibles and/or incidents of indiscretion or wrongdoing on key members of the administration, to be used against them if they should ‘step out of line” (not to be confused of course with any actual events with the Obama administration, like Petraeus, Menendez, Hillary).

– And what if the leader of America’s biggest and perhaps only ally nation in the most volatile region in the world was openly disliked, and secretly hated, by the Mob’s leader and US president? If public humiliation and adverse policies failed to bring that leader under control, it’s likely the Mob would , secretly, attempt to have him removed from the leadership of his nation…or maybe from…

– And, is it possible that the Mob would have worked secretly to undermine the Mob leader’s predecessor as they prepared for his takeover of the country?

Aw, that’s plain right-wing fringe silliness! none of that could happen here. it would take the support of a fully compromised news media, the help of billionaires in charge of the entertainment industry, a corrupted academia, half the major corporations in the nation becoming crony opportunists, and…

Hmm, well…


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One Response to What if?

  1. phil silverman says:

    what if we voted for GOPs since ’08 and healthcare insurers could deny coverage to MS and Cancer victims with precondition, we stayed in Iraq, automobile industry would die, no reopening of Cuba? keep on trying, young Bircherz. >>>Hillary wins in ’16. And we ofcourse keep AHCA, Medicare, and have NO MORE hoaxed-by-VP wars on behalf of his military industrial friends.

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