Veritas Editor Named Top Party Leader!!!!

  • Nominated to become a 2015 RNC Charter Gold Card Member!!
  • Will have “important role in electing the next Republican President”

We are flattered immeasurably but we are figuring they have never read our blog

You have been nominated to become a 2015 RNC Charter Gold Card Member.
This limited-time offer expires in 72 hours. So, it is vital you respond today to activate your membership and accept your 2015 RNC Charter Member Gold Card.
The race for the White House is already underway. While the Clinton Machine is relying on the leftist elites and Hollywood liberals to raise hundreds of millions of dollars, we are relying on you.
Since the RNC is the only national Republican organization allowed to provide substantial, direct financial support to our Republican presidential nominee, our Charter Members are going to play an important role in electing the next Republican President.
Our GOP nominee and candidates at all levels in the 2016 election cycle are depending on the RNC for the campaign programs, research and data that only we can provide. And they will need our help to get our Party’s commonsense conservative message past the liberal media filter directly to the voters.
But the RNC can only provide these critical resources if we have the support of our Party’s top leaders — most notably, you.
As we gear up for the presidential nominating convention, I need to know you’re committed to victory now by selecting your level of support:
I’m committed to contributing $135so the GOP can recruit and train 34 volunteers 
I’m committed to contributing $85so the GOP can reach 68 prospective voters 

I’m committed to contributing $45so the GOP can make 180 voter contact calls 

Accept your nomination to become a 2015 RNC Charter Gold Card Member today.
Jeff Larson
CEO of the Republican National Convention

Just having a little fun with this silly solicitation that arrived today.  The copywriter on this is either juvenile or thinks the RNC donor base is.

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One Response to Veritas Editor Named Top Party Leader!!!!

  1. Gus says:

    OMG! Congratulations Roger. Wow! What an honor. As a “Charter Gold Card Member” does this mean you might get a nice note from Jeb and Karl and Mitch and John B.?
    Please put a good word in for us to Reince.

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