Will American Exceptionalism be enough?

Believe it or not I can tire of showering superlatives on the writings of Clarice Feldman and Victor Davis Hanson.

In my most fervent expression of Pope Francis-like “humbleness”, however, it is my opinion that these two are the best observers and analysts of our world, writing today . Every column by either of these writers is something to be savored and to be used to stimulate that “dialoguing” so longed for by the left.

That said, the column by Ms. Feldman appearing on Sunday may well be not only her best effort but, literally, “one for the ages”.  Obama’s Killing the Left: Let’s Help Him

In this a-bit-longer-than-usual piece, she manages to catalog, with excellent detail, the incredibly wide range of outrages being inflicted on the American people and the entire legal, moral, and cultural foundations which have produced this great nation.

But sadly, I fear that the vital information it imparts will be absorbed only by “the choir” , and not to those most in need of its sobering message.

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Allow me to add my own very brief observation on Feldman’s and Hanson’s conclusions:
As I read this column and considered the painstaking recount of the atrocities being inflicted on our society, culture, and education and political systems, despite the almost sunny predictions by both Feldman and Hanson, I am inclined to place America’s current condition and short and long-term future in the “train has left the station” category.

Feldman’s opening comment refers to this quote from Hanson’s article which she cites favorably :  Is the World Becoming Fed Up?

“Amid all this leftish high-fiving about court decisions and executive orders, we forget political and electoral reality. Barack Obama has done more to destroy liberal political power in the Congress and in the statehouses than any Democratic politician since the 1920s. His executive orders and neglect of enforcing existing law have green-lighted the executive power of the next Republican president in a way that Richard Nixon could hardly imagine. He has discredited the idea of a disinterested media to such a degree that its biased audits of the next future Republican administration will be seen as laughable. “

I’m afraid I must reluctantly disagree. She went on to note that “there is plenty of evidence” to support her and Hanson’s view, citing a YouGov poll that found that 70% of those who voted for Obama’s reelection regret doing so.

a) I do not believe that poll’s findings. To begin with, I suggest that many if not most of those who voted for Obama’s reelection neither are aware of the abjectly disastrous failures (and unfortunate “successes”) of his regime nor believe it if they do hear it.

b) the incredible damage to every aspect of America’s cultural, political, economic, educational, legal environment is virtually irreversible and if not, is certainly becoming so with each passing day of his tenure.

c) with the current and foreseeable future leadership of what passes for the opposition political party there is neither the will or the competence to even attempt to reverse the damaging regulations, programs, and actions the Obama administration has put in place.

d) to believe that the media’s behavior has been “discredited” to a degree that future criticism of a “Republican” president will be “seen as laughable” simply ignores the farcical events of the past 15 years. Where has the “laughter” been seen over the Brian Williams/NY Times-style of grimly hilarious double-standard “journalism”, reporting on the Obama administration performance versus the Bush years?

It is with great apprehension, and humility, that I disagree with the conclusions of these true giants of political punditry but I urge you to read and absorb Ms. Feldman’s column and the Davis link it provides. I guarantee it is one you will savor and want to keep for future reference.             DLH

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One Response to Will American Exceptionalism be enough?

  1. Bonnie says:

    Totally agree about Victor Davis Hanson/Clarice Feldman’s writing ! They are prophets shouting in the wilderness. That being said, I also agree that most people who voted for Obama still see him through the rosy lenses of ” Hope and Change”. More’s the pity…..He has brought about what he promised…..the basic transformation of the US….

    I don’t hear outrage at his high handedness, I frankly seldom even hear umbrage at his power grabs.

    It is no wonder that more and more of my fellow voters have decided that our vote means little or nothing in the ‘grand scheme’. The Republican Party used to have statesmen……now it appears to have “status -men.”

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