“I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore”

The media, it seems both left and right, is befuddled by Donald Trump’s growing popularity. Of course the outspoken billionaire is only “popular” with those far right “crazies” as that great statesman, John McCain says.

Is that true? Howard Beale’s dramatic outburst in the 1976 movie, “Network”, is a classic movie moment. The reason, I believe, is it touches a nerve in many Americans as they watch the steady and now racing transformation of this country from a beacon for the world of freedom and prosperity, and good will, into a soon-to-be leftist totalitarian state where the rule of law is replaced by the rule of presidential whim.

And right now, only Donald Trump is giving voice to the utter despair and frustration that a large segment of the American populace is feeling.

At one time, elections had consequences. That became a relic of a rapidly becoming bygone era in 2012. Even as America was experiencing the consequences and dire failings of Barack Obama’s ideology and deep-seated contempt for this nation as it was founded and as it had built a better world as it matured, a majority went to the polls and reelected him.

It was, from that moment that elections stopped having consequences. Americans can vote all they wish but can change nothing.

They’ve witnessed the abject capitulation of an “opposition party”, who will promise what the people want and blatantly betray it almost the day after votes are tallied.

Americans are sick of the accelerated decay of all of the values on which the nation was built.

The illegal immigration is a huge concern. Americans are generous people, but even a 5-year-old knows you cannot open your borders, provide all manner of health, welfare, and educational benefits to any and all who wish to enter the nation. Worse yet the American people know that you allow millions of people from other lands where corruption and oppression serves as “government” and they bring with them the culture and mentality that allowed those conditions to exist and sustain, you are asking for major trouble.

When you have a society which not just tolerates but celebrates any and all forms of deviant and destructive behavior, allows and forces the populace to support with their tax dollars the destruction of innocent human life, an overwhelming majority of Americans fear for the future and grow contemptuous of a ruling class which allows it.

And as Americans stand helplessly by, watching the shredding of the Constitution before their eyes and the concepts of separation of powers, religious and speech freedom disappearing, America’s sovereignty relinquished to a corrupt United Nations, they weep and then they get mad!

And the media wonders why Donald Trump’s popularity is rising?!                      DLH

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One Response to “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore”

  1. Bonnie says:

    Brilliant and right on point.

    Ignoring Trump will not be a problem. Ignoring Trump’s message, his appeal will be the final nail in the coffin of what used to be responsible conservatism and the Republican Party.

    The author is quite right that most of us have come to realize that our time/energy/money to be informed voters has been for nought !

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