De-fund Planned Parenthood vote today

The Senate is set to vote on Iowa Senator Joni Ernst’s bill to end funding of Planned Parenthood organization this morning.  Here is a quick link to a legislative contact page set with a message to your U.S. Senators calling on them to end the funding now.

National Right to Life contact your Senator page with message

Susan B Anthony List an  organization focused on electing pro-life women to congress has published Top 12 Reasons to Defund Planned Parenthood Now

It is a compelling and well documented message.

Laura Ingraham writes:  Cecil and Cecile; Mourning over a lion, yawning over dismembered babies

Can it be that a Minnesota dentist’s life is ruined because he killed a lion, but Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards suffers nary a rescinded cocktail invitation?

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2 Responses to De-fund Planned Parenthood vote today

  1. Gus says:

    What an exercise in futility! I’m certainly in favor of defunding PP. This bill,however, is made to order for the McConnell/Boehner debacle they continue to inflict on the people who put them in office. If it passes, and it probably will, Obama will, as promised veto it. The Dems in Congress will, of course, sustain the veto. Cathy McMorris Rogers, or some other establishment GOP toady will then proclaim another Republican “accomplishment”: “We passed a PP defunding bill! And we’re just getting started!”
    The only way PP could ever get defunded is the old fashioned way: exercise of the “purse strings”…a quaint little concept since the GOP was given control of both Houses. Of course Mitch and John will first promise they will not allow a “government shutdown”. BO will say, “good to know…so you don’t defund PP, or we’ll veto/sustain and blame you for shutting down the government. You can then blame Ted Cruz; lose that silly defund measure in the budget, and we can get back to work for ‘the folks’.”
    That, of course is followed by the GOP’s “top snivelers” (Mitch and John) pleading with the base to keep them in power and elect JEB.

    • Designated2 says:

      We agree. The Planned Parenthood defund action should have been part of the “must pass” highway bill. As we published a report on McConnell’s machinations at the time he played the game of ruling conservative amendments non-germane or otherwise “filled the amendment tree’ as recounted by Ted Cruz to prevent their inclusion. But McConnell allowed inclusion of an amendment refunding the Export-Import bank to the highway bill as germane.

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