The hypocrisy in DC and in the QC is rampant

It is always our aim at Veritaspac to bring to readers news and fact s about important events which directly or indirectly affect Americans.  Often such information is confined to conservative news outlets and   columnists  because of deliberate omission by the dominant liberal media in this country. If a story might be detrimental to the liberal/leftist agenda it simply doesn’t make it to the mainstream print, broadcast, and electronic media in any prominent way, if at all.

While we present stories which appear in all forms of media and/or excerpts of same with links, we always try to offer our own commentary, hopefully to present our own fresh and unique perspective , mostly serious, but sometimes “whimsical”. In every instance we hope that the stories and our commentary will be of interest to our  reader s   and even  stimulate  their own comments and unique perspectives.

The story above, along with the various excerpts and links, presents an opportunity for all of this. Your editors have chipped in with their take on it and we hope you, as a reader, will offer your insight, whether you agree with ours or not.

For me, the takeaway from the jailing of the Kentucky county clerk who refused to grant marriage licenses to gay couples on religious grounds relates to the statement by our old friend “Earnest” Josh Earnest, White House press secretary. Unfortunately, our view is not necessarily unique. It is reflected in the links provided in this story, although it doesn’t seem to be a widely held observation.

Josh Earnest comes before the press to “solemnly” proclaim that, while it may be unfortunate to imprison the lady in Kentucky, we  must remember that we are a nation of laws. Mr. Earnest reminds us of the reverence the Obama administration has for the “rule of law” and its cherished belief that no one, no public official, is above the law.

That is a laugh line at your local comedy club!

Perhaps the best example has been cited by several of the references in this story’s commentary. “Sanctuary cities” are clearly, unequivocally, a serious violation of US Immigration Law…that is, “the law of the land”. The public official responsible for establishing a “sanctuary city”, whether it be a mayor, a member of a city council, or a governor is in violation of the law.

Why has no one been brought before a court and subjected to the court’s direction to either comply with the law or go to jail? Where is the Dept. of Justice, once so eager to sue states who attempt to enforce US Immigration law?

Why hasn’t Josh Earnest deplored such a blatant disregard for the law by public officials he has declared are “not above the law”?

Because, folks, America is now under control of a dictatorship. And there is no “opposition political party” willing, or even interested, in opposing it.

Probably, too many of us have watched the drama in Kentucky unfold and thought to ourselves, “that lady is nuts!” The government is going to come down on her like a ton of bricks. Everybody knows that if you attempt to take a stand on any issue in opposition to the LGBTQ agenda, you can kiss your career, your job, even your life savings “goodbye”.

As readers, why not inundate the Quad City Times with your demand that it publicly proclaim its position to this?

Where is the QC Times skillful editorial page editor giving us his eloquent defense of this travesty? The question answers itself. The QCT ed board has always come down on the side of the gay rights movement. Ask Bishop Amos.

DLH and R Mall

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