. . . with a whimper

One characteristic common to any dictatorship is that the “will of the governed” is never a consideration in any decision by the government.

That is now a defining characteristic of America. Not an easy thing to assert, harder yet to accept. But it is a fact!

Barack Obama, by any objective measure, is now America’s dictator. Americans are now living under totalitarian rule! Many of Obama’s “pen and phone” actions in the past six years or so brought us steadily closer to the brink but this week anyone really paying attention realizes we are now “over the brink”.

The so-called Iran nuclear agreement was the tipping point. Despite the best and entirely legal-based efforts of some courageous politicians (not yet a total oxymoron), this extraordinarily dangerous abdication of Constitutional responsibility and, as Former Vice-President Cheney has called it, “the first national suicide attempt in world history”, is now a fact.

To watch Congressman Mike Pompeo, one of the Republican congressman who attempted to block the deal because the Obama administration had clearly not complied with the law that was intended to determine necessary congressional approval, essentially admit in an interview on Fox News with Neil Cavuto that Congress was helpless to do anything to keep the deal from going through, was, for any American who loves this country, heartbreaking.

With the capitulation by the passage of the Senate’s “Corker Bill”, the smallest possibility of stopping this monstrous surrender to the world’s leading terrorist state was inevitable.

But even then, had the Senate held firm on the Constitutional requirement that treaties require 2/3 approval of the Senate, all experience with the Obama regime, with a Democratic minority, either self-serving, totally compromised, or fearful of Obama’s wrath, and the incredibly weak GOP congressional leadership, made it a virtual certainty the deal would be done.

Whatever Congress had done, however, I defy anyone to try to make a convincing argument that Obama would not have gone ahead and lifted the sanctions, thereby making the deal a fait accompli. His breathtaking disregard for the Congress and the US Constitution was on full display when he took the agreement to the UN for approval before the US Congress even knew what its full terms were.

Whether or not Barack Obama chooses to declare himself “President for Life” before the 2016 elections does not really matter. The destruction he has wrought on this nation will endure for generations. I submit that there is now embedded within the electorate at least two generations who, because of a corrupt educational system, have no historical background to appreciate this nation’s glorious history of moral governance, of compassion and its contributions to freedom and stability throughout the world.

United States of America, RIP.                              DLH

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