The Trump phenom further explained

This from a Red State writer “freewilledthinker.” With his own reflections he captures some of the visceral distrust people have toward the political establishment. There are other “anti-establishment candidates” but none as no-holds-barred as Trump. We know that Cruz will stop the defilement of the Constitution but how disruptive that truly is has not dawned on people. It is early and people are not now concerned about Trump’s articulation any more than those Democrats intent on getting Biden  into the race are concerned about his goofball and icky antics. Those Democrats want to continue the Obamanation and figure Biden has a better chance to do that than any other Democrat at this point. They want a no-change agent. Trump supporters want a change agent, understandably desperately.

Better Call Saul – 2016  (excerpts)

I feel my country is headed in exactly the wrong direction and I have no one in Washington who gives a damn.  So as I listen to the candidates, Donald Trump is the physical embodiment of Saul.  You feel like he is going to do something and say something.  You don’t feel like he will come on TV and tell you how a new existential threat to Israel and the United States is productive.  Or how a blackmailer should be given $150 billion USD in order to kill more soldiers.

I am so fed up and angry that I am beside myself.  Donald Trump is feeding into that anger.  My rational side is inclined toward other candidates, but my emotional side wants to see someone go burn it down.  I have watched this failure theater and have seen the results.  McConnell is so scared that he won’t even fight.  And he has a bunch of guys who all sit there and play for money that is funding more destruction.

R Mall

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