Obamas are among the most arrogant, self-absorbed, greedy, “entitled” pairings on the planet

And their little side-kick Biden, too

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Agree. Obamas and Biden beat us hands down.

OK Veritaspac readers. Those of you who have “Obama voting” friends, or colleagues (I don’t use the term “friends” for colleagues or acquaintances who helped elect Obama. I may give a pass to those who voted for him in ’08 but were wise enough to not vote for him in ’12), here is a story that it is highly improbable that they’ve heard.

While some of us may believe it a public service, or maybe for some, a moral obligation, to make them aware of it, we have a word of caution.

Now I know from personal experience the kind of response you will get. My caution to you is that, if ignorance or stubborn idiocy upsets you, everyone concerned may be better off if such information is withheld.

Move along. There is nothing to concern you here. All is for the protection of the leader.

Move along. There is nothing to concern you here. All is for the protection of the leader.

To those folks who are unaware that the Obamas are among the most arrogant, self-absorbed, greedy, “entitled” pair on the planet, this bit of news will not be met with disbelief or shock, or even mild dismay. Instead you will hear that all presidents do this; that the First Couple work very hard and need time to “recharge their batteries”; that they must be afforded every precaution for personal safety…and that’s expensive, but the American people certainly don’t begrudge it. Oh, and you’ll be reminded that Bush took more vacation days than any man in world history!

We would urge readers who experience this kind of encounter to simply disengage. Know that you are talking to a true believer. No facts, no counter arguments, no pointing out the glaring differences between past presidents’ use of the perks of the highest office in the land never approached the level of abuse that the Obamas has.

To pursue such a discussion further can only convince one of the fearful dystopian future this country faces, populated as it apparently is with enough people who would vote for Barack Obama twice and even now, with the devastation he has brought upon this nation so apparent, still support him and his tyrannical actions and impulses.

Judicial Watch Obtains Records Revealing Obama’s February, March 2015 Golf Vacations and Fundraisers Cost Taxpayers $4,436,245.50 in Travel Expenses Alone

“Taxpayers should be outraged that Barack Obama’s wastes 4.4 million of their precious tax dollars on golf vacations and political fundraising,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And to make matters worse, the Secret Service has simply refused to respond to our requests for documents about the security costs of these controversial trips. The Obama travel scandal is about abuse of office, abuse of the taxpayer, and contempt for the rule of law.”

Records released earlier this year by Judicial Watch showed that Michelle Obama’s 2014 trip to China cost more than $360,000 in air transportation costs. Judicial Watch uncovered an expensive combination of trips by the Obamas to Africa and Honolulu, which cost taxpayers $15,885,585.30 in flight expenses. The single largest prior known expense for accommodations was for Michelle Obama’s side-trip to Dublin, Ireland, during the 2013 G-8 conference in Belfast, when she and her entourage booked 30 rooms at the five-star Shelbourne Hotel, with the first lady staying in the 1500 square-foot Princess Grace suite at a cost of $3,500 a night. The total cost to taxpayers for the Obamas’ Ireland trip was $7,921,638.66. To date, the known travel expenses of the Obamas and Vice President Joe Biden exceed $61million.


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