Planned Parenthood continues subterfuge

  • ACLJ and others pull the vail from recent PP announcement
  • Cruz: Prosecute PP for their crimes
  • Investigator for Center for Medical Progress responds
  • Abortion survivor testifies before committee investigating PP practices

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is a leading conservative legal defense and advocacy organization that has done tremendous work on behalf of free speech, religious freedom and the right to life. The article lined to below is by Matthew Clark, Senior Counsel for Digital Advocacy with the ACLJ.  It addresses the subterfuge behind Planned Parenthood’s announcement earlier this week that it would no longer accept money for the transfer of baby parts it obtains during abortions performed at its abortuaries.

6 Reasons Planned Parenthood’s Claim It Isn’t Selling Aborted Babies’ Organs Anymore is a Farce 

Ted Cruz — Prosecute Planned Parenthood


Planned Parenthood might have said Tuesday that it would no longer accept payments for fetal body parts, but “that doesn’t answer the question that they were caught on film repeatedly violating federal law, essentially admitting to a pattern of felony,” Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz told Newsmax TV.  . . .

” . . . they should be held accountable for their actions. They should be investigated by the Department of Justice. They should be prosecuted.”

“They’re in the business of taking the lives of unborn children and they’ve now been implicated in an ongoing criminal conspiracy,” Cruz added. “So, of course, we should stop the taxpayer funding — and if I’m elected president, that’s exactly what we’ll do.”

Center for Medical Progress (CMP), the organization behind videos of PP conspiring to sell body parts, responds to PP  –  via Newsmax

“For three months, Planned Parenthood has tried to pass off its baby-parts-for-money scheme as totally legitimate,” said David Daleiden, the center’s founder. “Today, Planned Parenthood’s latest PR stunt of so-called ‘policy’ change is an admission of guilt.”

“If the money Planned Parenthood has been receiving for baby body parts were truly legitimate ‘reimbursement,’ why cancel it?” he asked. “This proves what CMP has been saying all along: Planned Parenthood incurs no actual costs, and the payments for harvested fetal parts have always been an extra profit margin.”

“Without releasing the text of the alleged new ‘policy’ and the exact model from their Washington affiliate, Planned Parenthood’s stunt today tells us nothing,” he said. “This only raises more serious questions about what Planned Parenthood’s leadership has been allowing its clinics to do with money and baby parts — and intensifies the need for Congress to pursue full auditing and oversight of Planned Parenthood’s unaccountable criminal enterprise of baby-parts trafficking.”

Abortion Survivor has a few things to say to Cecile Richards (and America): ‘I Am So Thankful to Be Alive’ via  Daily Signal (Heritage Foundation) Kate Scanlan reporting (excerpts):

Gianna Jessen Testimony – Planned Parenthood Exposed  –  7 minute clip a must view.

Gianna Jessen wasn’t supposed to live. But she did.

Born alive after her biological mother’s botched late-term abortion at a California Planned Parenthood clinic, Jessen was rushed to a hospital after a nurse called 911.

In an interview with The Daily Signal, Jessen, now a pro-life speaker and activist, said that abortion supporters must deny her existence in order to make their case.

“I’ve been around for a little while, and they are very much aware of what I do,” Jessen said. “The very last thing in the world they want is to hear from people who survive abortion.”

Jessen was the victim of a failed saline abortion at seven and a half months’ gestation, during which she burned alive in her biological mother’s womb for 18 hours.

After she was rushed from the clinic to the hospital, doctors said she wouldn’t live. But she did.

Jessen was later diagnosed with cerebral palsy, which doctors told her was a result of the lack of oxygen she suffered during the abortion attempt.

The doctors said she would never walk or even hold up her own head. But she did.  (snip)

She recently testified during a House Judiciary Committee hearing regarding Planned Parenthood.

“I speak from the heart, and reading speeches can be difficult, but it turned out to be such a phenomenal day,” said Jessen.

But a few weeks later, Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood’s chief executive, testified during a House Oversight Committee hearing that she had “never heard” of a baby surviving an abortion attempt.

“I’ve never heard of such a circumstance happening,” Richards said.

Pressed by lawmakers for clarification, Richards added, “In my experience at Planned Parenthood, we haven’t ever had that kind of circumstance.”

Jessen said she is living proof that babies can survive botched abortions.

“You cannot refute what I am saying, because I’ve lived through it,” Jessen said. “She has no problem lying. Is there any consequence for that?”
Jessen said she is “unashamedly a Christian.”    . . .

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