Has “Dubya” given a big boost to the Ted Cruz campaign?

Jindal and others plead for equal treatment

The GOP establishment; it is what it is; It’s just not for me

I’ve always considered the Bushes to be very gracious people. There are some aspects of their politics that I’ve not agreed with them on, but they are always courteous and respectful toward both political allies and opponents alike…until this.

Here is GW. He never seems to have an unkind word about Obama, he claims Bill Clinton as a dear friend, a “brother”; he doggedly refuses to criticize any actions of a Democratic administration, either the one preceding his own or the one succeeding his.

But he cannot contain his vitriol toward a fellow Republican, a man who served in his first successful presidential campaign!

What happened to that “class act” George?

Even though we recognize that it is Politico reporting, given the claimed corroboration, we  must assume this story is true. Adios Bushes!

George W. Bush unleashes on Ted Cruz

‘I just don’t like that guy,” the former president tells donors.
Inside a sleek Denver condominium, George W. Bush let a hundred donors to his brother’s campaign in on a secret. Of all the rival Republican candidates, there is one who gets under the former president’s skin, who he views as perhaps Jeb Bush’s most serious rival for the party’s nomination.

It isn’t Donald Trump, whose withering insults have sought to make Jeb pay a political price for his brother’s presidency. It also isn’t Marco Rubio, Jeb’s former understudy who now poses a serious threat to his establishment support.

It’s George W. Bush’s former employee — Ted Cruz.

“I just don’t like the guy,” Bush said Sunday night, according to conversations with more than half a dozen donors who attended the event.  One donor in the room said the former president had been offering mostly anodyne accounts of how the Bush family network views the current campaign and charming off-the-cuff jokes, until he launched into Cruz.


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