Ryan the 1988 type of guy

Predictably even if naively wrong then, experientially wrong now

We supported Jack Kemp in 1988 and can still relate to the positive spirit Jack Kemp showed toward capitalism, entrepreneurship and the rising tide raising all boats theme he often played. However, the myopia we shared toward generous immigration was cured by reality —  the clearer vision shaken into being by cynical businesses and pandering politics and the unfairness and unsustainability of uncontrolled borders, the welfare state and reflection on human nature.  In this article Ann Coulter castigates the actual effects of policies Paul Ryan still advocates and his exaltation of Kemp.

Save us from Paul Ryan and the Kemp boys  (excerpts)

But Kemp, like his protege Ryan, was everything big corporations and Wall Street love in a Republican: He’d give them tax cuts, cheap labor and moral self-righteousness. Washington is full of these Kemparatchiks, churning out documents and admiring quotes about one another to willing reporters.

The Kemp boys think they’re a big hit with poor minorities — especially Hispanics. Ryan, for example, is a huge supporter of driving down Hispanic wages by endlessly dumping low-wage workers on the country. Empowerment!

Two years ago, Ryan bragged to a Catholic radio station: “I actually campaigned with Jack Kemp against a thing called Prop 187.”

That “thing” was an overwhelmingly popular initiative to prevent illegal aliens from collecting government benefits. It gave Republicans their biggest victory in California in the last 30 years, was supported by a majority of blacks, a majority of whites, a majority of Asians and 31 percent of Hispanics.

Two years later, the Dole-Kemp ticket got only 21 percent of the Hispanic vote. That’s worse than Romney! (These empowerment types really have their finger on the pulse of ethnic America!)

Kemp might have thought trade would improve conditions enough in Mexico and elsewhere to mitigate any “excess” or illegal immigration desires. That did not happen, Mexico continues as corrupt as ever and the first obligation of the people there is to correct the situation and not take the easy way and invade the US.  Those feeling compelled to invade somewhere need to invade their nation’s capitols and make for the conditions they want to get on the cheap here. Kemp should have seen the real world errors of his policy wonk ways by the time of his passing in 2009. Regardless we cannot afford Paul Ryan desire to double down on them.

Further, the moralizing of the likes of Paul Ryan (and John Kasich) are insufferable because the policies they advocate lead to harmful results by not sufficiently taking into account human nature and first responsibilities.  They are therefor unsound morally and economically and threaten the survivability of the the republic.  Ryan needs to grow up and we certainly do not need him as Speaker of the House.

R Mall

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