The Ryan phenomenon: Absolutely amazing , the GOP’s enthusiasm for humiliation


Via Breitbart:

“Ryan signaled that the partisan brinkmanship had to come to an end.

“We have become the problem,” Ryan said. “If my colleagues entrust me to be the Speaker I want us to become the solution.”

Ryan said, calling for Republicans to gather as a team and “move from an opposition party to being a proposition party.”

“Ryan urged his House colleagues to stop blaming the other party, the president, and the media for blocking their agenda.

“People don’t care about blame, people don’t care about effort, people care about results,” he said, calling for Republicans to embrace “results-driven, common-sense conservatism.”

Maybe it’s just me, but when has there been a would-be “leader” who announces that he’ll agree to be one if his “subjects” agree that he will have the absolute power to make all the decisions and must not be challenged?

Our putative “King Paul I” further announced that, henceforth the GOP will not be an         “opposition party” (silly me. I thought, in our system, that is the role of a political entity which is not of the Executive’s party). Nossir! Ain’t gonna blame the president, or the Democratic Party, or Nancy Pelosi, or Harry Reid. From now on, we gonna show ’em how to compromise.

If they wanna have open borders, sanctuary cities, bring in hundreds of thousands of unvetted Middle East refugees, block increased spending for our military in the face of multiplying global threats unless we also spend more on entitlements, suspend Senate rules when they’re in power so they can pack the courts, borrow more toward the debt in order to fund pet party entities like Planned Parenthood, threaten to”shut down the government” and blame it on us if we attempt any give and take negotiations on their priorities, that’s OK . . . because . . . We’re gonna “embrace realistic, common-sense conservatism”!

(The Wall Street Journal , in a “Notable & Quotable” item apparently intended to promote a ‘new era’ of compromise under a Paul Ryan Speakership offered this excerpt from a Reagan autobiography, “An American Life”:

“If you got 75 or 80% of what you were asking for, I say, you take it and fight for the rest later, and that’s what I told these radical conservatives who never got used to it.”

Uh, let’s see. Is there a rational being out there who believes that the current establishment-led GOP has gotten 75 or 80% of what they’ve asked for? If you believe they have then you must believe they’ve been asking for the Obama agenda! (You may have a point.)


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