Bigots must be punished, that means you

Woe be to those naive crazy ‘religionists’ who so enjoy denying to gays, lesbians, and assorted others of the “LGBTQ community”, the unalienable rights granted to all Americans by Justice Anthony Kennedy, and were  so bigoted as to support the resounding ballot defeat on Tuesday of Houston’s “nondiscrimination ordinance.”

27A3DBA700000578-3042240-image-m-80_1429207860484Those who had the temerity to contribute time or money to the campaign opposing the ordinance establishing “protections for LGBTQ people in the city” must now forever be looking over their shoulder for the retribution they so richly deserve. (5, 10 years from now, the guy or gal who gave $50 to the campaign opposing “HERO” had better hope their “transgression” is not discovered just as they are up for a promotion in their job. Nah, that couldn’t happen!)

As a result of the Ordinance’s defeat, some fear Houston merchants very livelihoods have very likely been destroyed. “Some business leaders”, according to the Wall Street Journal, had warned that the bill’s defeat “Could negatively affect the city’s reputation as a ‘welcoming place’ to live and work.”

And why not?

And why not?

Probably no tourists will ever again want to set foot in Houston. What’s worse than a community that’s not “welcoming”?

According to supporters of the ordinance, dubbed appropriately as the “HERO” (Houston Equal Rights Act) the opponents had “wildly distorted” the intent of the bill. Houston’s lesbian mayor, Annise Parker condemned the campaign against the law as “fear mongering and deliberate lies”.

The Journal reports that Mayor Parker had charged that opponents distorted the bill’s intent with a “fear-based campaign that included a television commercial showing a a man following a little girl into a bathroom stall”.

This leads us to want to join Mayor Parker in condemning such an outrageous, almost impossible to contemplate such a scenario resulting from a simple law to protect members of the LGBTQ community, including transgenders from the unconscionable discriminatory acts of the religious fringe.

But then, we ran across a couple of other stories appearing in the news today.

The “defining issue” of our time?

As Transgender Students Make Gains, Schools Hesitate at Bathrooms

Where this is going is almost impossible to imagine but there are no possibilities which can be ruled out.

Lesbian trapped in man's body demands equal rights

Lesbian trapped in man’s body demands equal rights

Evidently, the LGBTQ community and the Democrat party is sure to demand and insist that the “B” of “LGBTQ” (that’s the highly respected, though apparently somewhat indecisive “Bi-sexual”), in the very near future, may “go” where they choose, to shower, relieve themselves, or just hang out (literally), and “prudish” Americans must celebrate their “rights and freedoms” to do so. A ‘born male’ “B”, of course, can be of either gender he/she chooses on a given day, or hour, we assume. And if the choice at the moment is female, may join the girls in their showers. Later, an opposite choice…well. you get the idea.

Wouldn’t it be interesting to imagine an all-LGBTQ athletic team, post-game, in the locker room? What confusion! Let freedom reign!

‘Rumblings’ of Super Bowl Boycott After Houston Equal Rights Measure Rejected 

Houston, we have a problem.
That’s the message supporters of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) are sending after voters rejected the measure Tuesday by a margin of 61 percent to 39 percent.

The controversial measure would have established nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people in the city, among other groups.

“I fear that this will have stained Houston’s reputation as a tolerant, welcoming, global city,” Houston Mayor Annise Parker said at an election night watch part in downtown Houston. “I absolutely fear that there will be a direct economic backlash as a result of this ordinance going into defeat and that’s sad for Houston.”

Or so she hopes in order to treat troglodytes a lesson

We have seen our president follow the yellow brick road of progressivism to this day, while the world is at the brink of Armageddon, Barack Obama’s mind is on a girls shower room

Putin Warns Isis – Obama Warns School District about Girls Shower Room

From Rev. Michael Brescian  via Canada Free Press (excerpt)

The story is not complicated. One boy who thinks he is a girl wants to play on girls’ teams, be allowed into the girls’ locker rooms and shower with the girls, is not satisfied with the broad accommodations the school district has already made.

Now liberalism’s standard knight in shining armor (ACLU) has come to the boy’s defense along with Barack Obama breathing out warnings that the school will lose its Title IX federal funding if it does not speedily comply.

Since the boy has had no genital alterations, his male anatomy would have to be seen by any and all girls showering. Their discomfort and any other feelings that may conger will be ignored for the exception, and progressivism has once again proven that America is in the throes of collective reprobation.

What we have essentially is a world where ISIS kills and beheads Christians and others followed by enough aborted babies to start a new country and a world on the verge of World War Three. Safely tucked into the lavish environs of the White House we have a president who is concerned with what takes place in a girls’ shower room.


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