People who should just get off the stage (this week’s edition)

Bill Gluba.   Here we extend the meaning of his election night vitriol faithfully transcribed in purple

“Well I’m very excited about this presidential year, I’ve kinda been unshackled. You know I’ve been a non-partisan mayor because that is the nature of the position. But now I can be the old partisan Bill and what I am going to try to make sure is that we elect a Democratic president whether it is Hillary or Bernie and get this country moving faster forward. I mean we’ve done great things under Barack Obama.”

imageedit_2_8236733250“Whether it’s Hillary or Bernie . . .” . . . or Rev. Sharpton, or Mao Tse Tung . . .

“…done great things under Barack Obama…”  . . . What we need now is to continue Barack’s ‘Great Leap Forward’ and let a “thousand flowers bloom”*!

Megyn Kelly

imageedit_16_3809078935Kelly…Megyn Kelly…let’s see. Didn’t she used to be on television? What was it…Fox News? Yeah, that’s it. Is she still on? Don’t watch Fox in the 8 PM hour (CST)…ever since ‘what’s her name, ‘Magnificent Megyn’, made an ass of herself in the GOP debate. I thought she may have gone to MSNBC.

By Judi McLeod via Canada Free Press (excerpts)

It’s not foot or neck massages (Megyn)Kelly’s looking for but massages for her ego

Oh, but to be a fly on the wall on what the New York Times calls her “cavernous set” at Fox News when makeup and hair stylists are primping Megyn for The Kelly File.

One can only imagine the hissy fits when things don’t go Megyn’s way.  . . .

In the first GOP debate, Kelly came out on the attack against GOP primary front runner Donald Trump, visibly outraged at insults he hurled at Rosie O’Donnell after she insulted his wife.

Trump defended himself and it was largely thanks to him that Fox saw a ratings hike.

Kelly never got over it, and proved it Monday with her ridicule of debate demands sent out to the networks for future televised presidential race debates, all in faint hopes of the primary presidential hopefuls getting more limelight than the stars of television “monitoring” the debates.

GHW Bush

The bio of GHW Bush (“41”) is coming out.

Highlights or why not to bother:

1) These idiots chose Jon Meacham, a lifelong arch liberal media guy…Newsweek, Time, writes for NYT, WaPo, etc.; given exclusive interview time with 91 yr. old George.

2) GHW blames Cheney and Rumsfeld for all of GW’s troubles: Rumsfeld “too much of a hard ass”:, Cheney was responsible for GW’s ‘overreaction’ to 9/11; also a hardass. Also claims it was Cheney’s wife and daughter who influenced his way too tough a stance on the misunderstood folks who killed a handful of Americans on 9/11;

GHW actually thinks gay marriage is pretty good. Who knew? What else will be revealed? Global warming IS the greatest threat to mankind? Sharia law ain’t so bad? Borders were created by “iron asses” and surely we can all just get along? GW didn’t spend enough…we need a bigger national debt?

Is this guy senile or did GHW really sire Bill Clinton?   Fox story here.

*The Chairman of China’s Communist Party, Mao Tse-Tung, delivered a speech in which he stated “Let a thousand flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend”. To many observers, these statements seemed to indicate a relaxing of totalitarian rule. Criticism directed against the government soon developed. The government reacted, warning that the critics were ‘rightists’.  Via History Central


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