Monthly Archives: January 2016

Cruz event – and the importance of proportionate delegate representation

Platform development also part of precinct caucuses Just returned from a rousing Cruz campaign event. Good crowd, perhaps two thousand but hard to determine from my vantage point. Heidi Cruz is a big asset.  Glen Beck gave an inspiring patriotic … Continue reading

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A new affliction; and National Review has it

Where does Trump say that? The National Review has PTSD (Present Traumatic Stress Disorder). This debilitating condition has reduced this publication and its writers to Paralyzing Incoherence Syndrome (PIS). It has been brought on by the effects of the anti-establishment … Continue reading

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SOS Pate admits office has no roll in the caucuses, while castigating Cruz flyer

Pate’s admission exposes RPI directive forbidding the checking of ID at the caucuses as baseless. Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate issued a statement, given big play in the media as he hoped it would be, chastising the Cruz campaign … Continue reading

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I started to write narrative for this but it is so beyond my ability to describe the seriousness and the inevitable devastating conclusion of all this, I’m just forwarding the story. This really is how the rue of law (and … Continue reading

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Bless those conservative eternal optimists

These various columns reporting how much trouble Hillary is in and, like this one, even the White House may be in peril, are interesting, and for Republicans and conservatives, great fun to contemplate. As to whether anything will come of … Continue reading

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The Undocumented Iowa Republican Caucuses – No Voter ID required

Republican Party of Iowa:    “We are not checking for verification, we cannot require it . . . we cannot turn anyone away”  Disregarding the 2014 Republican Party of Iowa (RPI) state platform* which calls for voter identification during elections, the … Continue reading

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We Ruminate – You Decide

More on the Trump / Fox News mishmash We started out with the presumption that Donald Trump’s challenge  —  if  Megyn Kelly was to be a moderator in the Fox sponsored Iowa debate (the one and only) he would not … Continue reading

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Take this Branstads — from someone who knows more about ethanol than you do

We were going to say you are stupid . . . greedy . . . and your mother dresses you funny . . . but we decided against it. As Rich Lowry writing at the publication Freedom’s Back in an … Continue reading

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Ruminating about The Donald and Fox News and Megyn Kelly

FOX News issued a statement concerning Donald Trump’s refusal to participate in Thursday night’s GOP presidential debate. The network criticized Trump for demanding that Megyn Kelly be removed as a moderator or he would not appear. This is all part … Continue reading

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Compelling News!

Sounds reasonable . . . A friend from Washington D.C. wrote: “When I heard that France had bombed a key ISIS stronghold, I looked out the window to see if the White House was still there.” (From over the transom) … Continue reading

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