Hillary e-mail scandal…two versions…which will Loretta Lynch choose?

Here are two analyses of the latest “document dump” regarding Hillary’s email saga. The first is an excerpt from Saturday’s Wall Street Journal report on the 3000 pages released Friday by the State Department (bold emphasis is ours):

Screen Shot 2016-01-09 at 3.47.02 PM“The Federal Bureau of Investigation is conducting an inquiry into possible mishandling of classified information, but officials say Mrs. Clinton isn’t a target of the probe.

“Despite not breaking any formal rules, Mrs. Clinton’s email practices appear at odds with internal State Department policies. A diplomatic cable from 2011 issued under Mrs. Clinton’s name instructed employees to avoid using their personal email accounts for government business.

Mrs. Clinton has apologized for her decision to use a private email server but insisted that she broke no rules.”

And here’s an editorial in the NY Post on Friday dealing with the same story. Now which version is likely to drive Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s decision-making when it eventually comes to the question of whether or not to endorse the putative Democratic Party’s nominee for president?

Hillary ordered one of her flunkies to break the law

By Post Editorial Board January 8, 2016

imageedit_8_4491096381In its latest dump of 3,000-plus Hillary Clinton e-mails, the State Department found another 66 to be classified, pushing the total over 1,300. But two of the non-classified messages were eye-openers.

One tacitly admits her own wrongdoing. The other orders a flunky to break the law on handling classified info.

First, there’s the e-mail where she expresses shock that a State employee is using a private account for official business.

“I was surprised that he used personal ­email account if he is at State,” she wrote aide Jake Sullivan in February 2011, after he forwarded a diplomat’s analysis of Libyan affairs.

Let that sink in a moment. She was surprised the diplomat was doing precisely what she’d been doing for two years — government work on a private account. One rule for the boss (and her inner circle), another for everyone else?

But the bigger bomb was her order to Sullivan that June to mishandle a classified memo — but to first remove the label.

She wanted some talking points faxed to her, but her minions couldn’t get the secure fax line to work. Clinton’s solution: “Turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure.”

Hmm. That casts new light on Clinton’s repeated statements that none of her work e-mails included material “marked classified.”

No word yet on whether Sullivan obeyed the order, and so broke federal law — but it’s still smoking-gun evidence of a secretary of state ordering up a crime.

Mind you, Hillary Clinton is a lawyer — her degree is from Yale, no less. And her first real job out of Yale was trying to impeach President Richard Nixon over Watergate.

So what in God’s name leads her to think she’s above the law?

And, finally, what is the celebrated non-partisan, champion of justice, man of unquestioned integrity who brought down the notorious Scooter Libby and defied the Bush administration (which appointed him) on various issues, James Comey, FBI Director, going to do if and when his agency completes its investigation?

Our guess regarding the outcome? About the same as the FBI’s handling of its “investigations” of IRS wrongdoing and Fast and Furious?

Such is the state of “justice” as delivered by the Obama administration.


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