State of Disunion

One of our favorites — Stilton Jarlsberg at HopeNChange — captures well what Obama has wrought. The depictions here are his along with the excerpt from his accompanying essay. The entirety available here is always worthy.

Strait of the Union 



Of course, we couldn’t fit all of his (ahem) “accomplishments” into the cartoon above. Let us not forget that in seven short years, he’s also managed to polarize our society as never before, poison the relationship between police and communities, make astonishing numbers of people dependent on government benefit programs, crushed the middle class while enriching those at the very top, and chummed the waters for the international “climate change” sharks to take a big bite out of American prosperity.    . . .

Jarlsberg adds some “empty chair” identification much as we did the other day, ending with this apt close.

But to end on an optimistic note, just remember that a year from now Obama will no longer be able to deliver his smug, poisonous lies to a joint session. In fact, the only “joint sessions” he’s likely to attend in the future will be back in Hawaii with his choom gang.




THIS empty chair isn’t symbolic. We just want to use it to smack the noggins of anyone who voted for Obama twice.

See his entire post here.

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One Response to State of Disunion

  1. DLH says:

    The best response to Obama’s “last” State of the Union address. Iowa can be proud!

    But why didn’t Nikki Haley say it?
    “He took his oath of office twice on how to protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States and he’s done everything but even when he knew he was wrong. I can’t abide being lectured to one last time. This is my last chance to step out of there. And I’m going to go to the member’s chapel and pray for the restoration of the Constitution.”—Steve King (R,IA) on why he walked out of Obama’s SOTU

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